Germany’s Democracy under Autocratic Attack—Comments on News and Prophecy October 24, 2020

In this special program, we speak on the threat to German democracy and the controversial role of Germany’s health minister Jens Spahn; continue with the second and final presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden and its blunders and missed opportunities; address false predictions, as recently announced by Pat Robertson; speak on the mass media’s censorship and suppression of “politically incorrect” issues; as well as the looming Brexit disaster; and we conclude with deeply troubling developments in certain Church of God organizations.

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Why Trump Will Stay in Office!

The Democratic Convention has ended. This program will cover a few highlights and contentions and discusses whether the Democratic criticism of Donald Trump, especially regarding the coronavirus, is justified. It also addresses the unconvincing speeches of Kamala Harris and Bill Clinton, as well as Joe Biden’s well-received acceptance speech; the success story of South Dakota; and suggestions and actions of Donald Trump which might hurt him. Still, we explain as to why we are convinced that Donald Trump will stay in office.

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Impeaching Donald Trump? No Way—and here Is WHY!

During a phone conversation in July of 2019, President Donald Trump spoke with the new leader of Ukraine, Mr. Zelenskiy, about investigating the son of former Vice President Joe Biden. As a consequence, many congressional Democrats are determined to impeach President Trump, alleging a quid pro quo deal, as Trump had withheld money approved by Congress to be given to Ukraine. At the same time, others allege that a quit pro quo existed regarding the dealings between Biden and other Democratic senators and the Ukrainian government, allegedly threatening to withhold aid, unless Ukraine were to act in a particular way. This program discusses the underlying circumstances, as well as the released transcript of the phone conversation and the whistleblower complaint, and shows you why Trump will stay in office and be reelected in 2020.

Israel’s Elections; Attack on Saudi Arabia Oil Plant; and Nuclear War in Europe–Comments on News and Prophecy, September 21, 2019

Netanyahu is fighting for his political survival; while the USA is wavering in its response to Iran’s perceived attack on Saudi Arabia. Europe blames President Trump for the current escalation. We also discuss China’s and Russia’s influence in Iran; Europe’s revival of the Roman Empire and its coming destruction in a nuclear war; Russia’s ongoing persecution of the Jehovah’s Witnesses; the future of Italy’s ultra-right politician Matteo Salvini and the growing popularity of Germany’s ultra-right AfD party; America’s mistrust in the press; the blackface nonsense; and Trump’s attempts to instigate an Ukrainian investigation of Joe’s Biden’s son Hunter.

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Trump Shocks Europe

Donald Trump won big in New Hampshire, and Europe is waking up to the distinct possibility that he might become the next US President. The reaction is one of concern and fear. In this program, we point out what a Trump Presidency might mean for Europe, and why Europe will become stronger economically and militarily. We also show some stunning parallels between Trump’s statements and the situation in Germany following World War I, and we conclude with a discussion on the coming biblical “beast.”

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