The Bible gives us many examples as to how men should and should not act towards their present or future wives. What would you do if you were to find out that your bride had betrayed you? How would you respond if your mate were to ask you to forsake God? How does the Song of Solomon describe the love between husband and wife? Why did God punish Ananias and Sapphira so severely? In what way did Lot, Samson and David sin? Why are we warned not to follow the beast—a man in Europe to arise very soon on the world scene?
Christ’s First Coming—Part 1
In what year and during what time of year was Jesus born? Surely not in December, but when? When did King Herod die? Did Jesus have brothers and sisters? Was John the Baptist older than Jesus? When did Christ’s public ministry begin? Why was Jesus baptized? How often did He cleanse the Temple? What did He teach about “born again”? Where did His first miracle take place? Did Jesus keep the Sabbath, Passover and the annual Holy Days, such as the Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Tabernacles?
Our Actions
We all make choices everyday. But how often do we think about how our choices, and consequently our actions, have effect and impact on others and the church? We can either have a good impact or a negative one. Looking at two stories, we will see just how much impact we can have.
Moving Forward
By using the analogy of chess and focusing on the pawn, we can see throughout the Bible how God chose “regular common” individuals to fulfill His purpose. At first glance, the pawn is considered the weakest piece and it is only able to move forward; however, its significance increases as it reaches the other side of the chessboard, becoming more valuable by reaching it’s full potential. Just like us, we have a similar goal in life as we move forward, learning from mistakes along the way, so we can ultimately reach our goal to eternal life.
A Time To Weep
The Christian life includes times of weeping and mourning. Christ said that we are blessed when we mourn and weep now. It is important to understand why and under what circumstances we will and ought to mourn. Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a purpose for weeping and mourning. What is it?
Why Israel?
The Bible describes the nation God has formed and continues to sustain. Other stories about other people are recorded, but the primary focus is on Abraham and his descendants. Israel’s part in God’s plan for salvation is critically important for Christians to understand.