In God’s Hands

Are our lives in God’s hands?  Are the trials that we experience part of God’s purpose?  Does God have a hand in world affairs and the leadership, and does He control what the fate of this nation and the rest of the world will be? How can we be spared from the devastation that will soon take place?


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Better Ways of Doing Things – Part 1

Three areas where things will be done better during the millenium are discussed.   The appointment of perfect leaders unlike flawed individuals who exercise power today.   Also, a new way of thinking where those alive will have perfect rulers to guide them and without the malevolent influence of Satan.   And thirdly. in the area of building and housing where property will not be to make massive profits for those involved – but to benefit all of mankind.   Beautiful towns and cities with all the amenities – no more slums; no more inner city areas wracked with crime, drug abuse, violence and no-go areas and no more racketeering and double dealing.   Better ways of doing things.

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There at the Finish

There can be problems, serious problems when a leader dies or is absent,
apostasy can then follow but we always have to hold on to the truth, and to
remain steadfast to the end.  
Our trust must be in God – not in man.   Scripture clearly reveals that our
arch enemy, Satan the Devil, managed to pull one third of the angels away from
God and he will try and do the same to us.   We have to seriously be on our
guard!   We have to be there at
the finish! 

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