A new most religious and conservative government is being formed in Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu, with the new rising star Itamar Ben-Gvir wanting to become security minister, which would make him responsible for keeping the peace at the Temple Mount. Who is Ben-Gvir? What is his position towards Jewish prayers on the Temple Mount and the building of the Third Temple?
Download AudioLibya
Germany Was Never a Pacifist Power
It has been recently alleged that due to the Afghanistan debacle and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Germany has given up its pacifist stance to become more engaged in military activities. But as this program shows, Germany was never a pacifist power, and Bible prophecy tells us what Germany will do very soon.
Download AudioGermany’s Dangerous Lead of Europe
Germany, France and Italy become more and more the leaders of Europe. Especially Germany’s lead is not good news for America and Britain, as well as some other European nations. We will present numerous examples of Germany’s hardening stance, broken promises and its zeal for a strong Europe. We also present some of John Bolton’s views which he shares with Donald Trump’s viewpoints regarding a militarization of Europe and a deteriorating relationship between the USA and Germany.
Download AudioIs Russia a Threat to the West?
The answer to this question is an unequivocal “Yes.” We address some of the many frightening Russian activities, both internationally and domestically. Russia, under Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church, is a military and religious dictatorship. In this program, we are especially focusing on Syria, the Mediterranean, Ukraine, North Korea and Russia’s ongoing persecution of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and show how the world is speeding towards nuclear World War III.
Download AudioTurmoil in the Middle East
We need to focus on the Middle East because it is there where World War III will begin. In this special program, we will be discussing events pertaining to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, Egypt , Syria, Libya, Ethiopia and ISIS. We will also address growing anti-Semitism in Europe and the strained relationship between Israel and the EU. We will explain how these events fit into the panorama of biblical prophecy, and what we can expect to occur next.
Download Audio Download VideoAmerica’s Disastrous Domestic and Foreign Policies
The domestic and foreign policy of the USA is a total and complete disaster. In this program, we quote many liberal and conservative national and international voices, showing the “declining American influence and commitment in the Middle East,” the “incompetence” of the President; and his lack of “vision or power,” while putting “politics and ideology ahead of preserving hard-won gains.” They state that while America is “alienating its friends,” “the ruins of American foreign policy” are observable everywhere. Why is America in such an unprecedented hopeless state?
Download Audio Download VideoWe Told You So-America’s Sickness and Egypt’s Turmoil
America is sick. Egypt is in turmoil. Beware of false prophets. This program shows how these three concepts are related. It explains why America’s behavior towards Egypt is sick, and warns of those who “prophesy” falsely about Egypt’s future.
Download Audio Download VideoWhy the Triangle of Scandals?
For the first time in the history of the United States, a sitting president is confronted with three major scandals at the same time-involving Benghazi, the IRS and the Justice Department. But many more scandals exist. Why is this country facing such insurmountable and unfixable problems? The answer is of a spiritual nature, which most are unwilling to consider.
Download Audio Download VideoUSA-Global Power in Decline
The October 22, 2012 presidential debate on foreign policy-which happened 50 years after John F. Kennedy’s Address to the Nation on the Cuba Missile Crisis-did not bring anything substantially new, except this: The two candidates revealed a global power on the decline and a crisis for a great nation, with foreign policy having to take a back seat for the USA in the future. In light of the highly praised but totally misunderstood developments of the Arab Spring, this vacuum will be filled. And it is Germany as the leader of the EU, which will fill it. But that is not good news.
Download Audio Download VideoWar in the Millennium?
Passages in Ezekiel 38 and 39 describe an invasion of Asiatic hordes in the Middle East. Do these Scriptures address the time prior to or subsequent to Christ’s coming? Are they speaking of the same time as the events in Revelation 20? Who is Gog of the land of Magog? And who are the other nations mentioned in these passages? What will happen when these nations attack Israel?