COVID 19—a Man-Made Pandemic?

The Bible prophesies for the end time serious worldwide disease epidemics and pandemics, which are caused far too often by human misconduct, resulting in incredible pain for innocent victims. Governments may contribute to the suffering when attempting to combat the pandemics. What can be said, then, in regard to the origin of COVID-19? And does the Bible include many warnings which, if headed, would prevent the spread of many disease epidemics?
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When, How And What Should We Hate?

Is there something like righteous and godly hatred? For a Christian, it may be difficult to see how “hate” could be a part of God’s character, because many feel erroneously that a Christian must never hate. However, David gives us several examples in the book of Psalms which show us what and how we should and must hate. This includes the command to stay away from people who want to tempt us and others to sin.

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Will America Be Defeated Soon in WWIII?

Is it even conceivable that the USA, as well as the UK and Israel, could suffer outright military defeat in a coming war which has been described as the most devastating war ever? Some military experts believe so. Will WWIII be finally the war to end all wars? If so, then not in the way you and I would wish. Do end-time biblical prophecies provide us with a clear picture as to what is going to happen soon?

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What if Ruth Had Lived Today?

Ruth from Moab came to the land of Judah and married Boaz. Ruth and Boaz became the ancestors of David. Rahab from Jericho became a stranger in Israel and married Salmon, the son of the leader of Judah. Rahab and Salmon became the ancestors of Boaz and of David. Both Joseph and Mary, as well as Jesus, descended from David. But if today’s immigration laws had been in effect at the time of Rahab and Ruth, none of these developments could have happened, and there would have been no David, no Mary, and no Jesus.

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You Shall (Not) Desire!

The Bible tells us that we must not “desire”, “lust” or “covet.” But what, exactly, do we need to avoid or fight against, and what can we do so that we do not become or remain to be victims of evil, deceitful, worldly and fleshly lusts, which enslave us?

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Lot in Sodom

Jesus warned us that the time of His Second Coming could be compared with the days of Lot and the conditions in Sodom. Was Lot a righteous man? Why did he live in Sodom? Why was Sodom destroyed? Was it only because of homosexual conduct? Are there archeological proofs outside the Bible showing us that Sodom was indeed destroyed? Why did Lot’s daughters commit incest with their father? What can we learn from Lot’s life?

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False Endtime Predictions for 2017

Some predict that the end of the world will occur on August 21 or September 23 of 2107, based on a solar eclipse and a heavenly image which supposedly mirrors a description of the woman in Revelation 12.  Is there any credibility to this idea? What does Christ tell us about the end of the world, and especially about the great tribulation and the heavenly signs? How do His statements correspond with current news events and developments?

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Is the Soul Immortal?

Most religious people, Christians and non-Christians alike, believe in the immortality of the soul. What does the Bible say about this question? Do people have souls, or are they souls? Are there dead souls? Can a soul die? Why does the Bible speak about the resurrection of the dead, if the dead are not really dead, but keep on living after death as “immortal souls”? What is death? And what is hell, in which God can destroy body and soul?

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Fear of Nuclear War

Almost 2,000 years ago, the disciples asked Christ what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the world. Christ warned that there would be wars and rumors of wars prior to His return, and that they would increase in intensity. A website introduced ten scenarios of likely wars with devastating consequences, but they missed completely the ONE nuclear confrontation which will trigger World War III and the Great Tribulation. Why is it important that YOU and your loved ones understand?
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