Sadly, the Bible declares that nuclear and conventional war is unavoidable for the carnal human mind. But why? To illustrate the point, we give you three examples to show reasons why natural man does not know–and cannot find–the way to peace. We speak of the use of the atomic bombs against Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the astonishing condemnation of these actions by American presidents and military leaders; the sad legacy of Peace Nobel Prize recipient President Obama as THE American war time president of all time; and ludicrous comments by Pope Francis regarding Islam and Christianity.
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You Shall Not Kill!
Some teach that the commandment against killing does not include an injunction against killing in war. They say that the Hebrew word for killing means murder, and that killing in war is not murder. But is this correct?
Fighting for the Temple Mount — WHY?
Stunning events are happening in the Middle East and in East Jerusalem, which have direct relevance to biblical prophecy. WHY are calls being heard from Palestinians, Arab nations and France to deploy an international force in East Jerusalem and at the Temple Mount? Why is the UN adopting a resolution condemning Israel for “illegal measures taken against the freedom of worship of Muslims to the Al-Aqsa Mosque,” which is situated on the Temple Mount? Why is it recommended that the Temple Mount should be closed to Jews? In this program, we show you the most recent developments and explain to you from the Bible WHY they are so important, in the light of Christ’s, Paul’s, John’s and Daniel’s end-time warnings pertaining to Jerusalem. We offer you our free booklet, “The Book of Zechariah–Prophecies for Today!”
Download Audio Download VideoWhy the World WON’T End this Month!
Some Christian groups and ministers believe and teach that the world will end in September of 2015. They believe that this will be brought about by a “blood moon”- allegedly the fourth consecutive lunar eclipse since April 2014 – being part of a “tetrad.” Others preach that the great tribulation starts in September of 2015, following seven years since September 11, 2001. Some claim that this was shown to them through godly revelations or near-death experiences. We will prove to you in this program why all of this is nonsense, and that the Bible dogmatically declares that the end of the world will NOT occur in September of 2015. Don’t be deceived and fooled by ridiculous and ignorant teachings, but prove all things from the Holy Scriptures, and only hold on to what is correct. We are offering you our free booklet, “Biblical Prophecy— From Now Until Forever.”
Download Audio Download VideoDefenseless Against Nuclear Attacks?
More and more commentators warn against an all-encompassing nuclear war, and Russia has claimed that it could turn America into radioactive ash. Vladimir Putin admitted that he was willing to use nuclear weapons against the West when he annexed Crimea. Forbes magazine points out that America is hopelessly defenseless against incoming long-range ballistic missiles and that all it can do is “lay waste.” Sadly, that is exactly what the Bible prophesies, and God thunders at all of us to wake up.
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Why did Jesus speak in parables? What did He want to convey? They were not meant to give understanding to the multitudes of people; and even God’s disciples misunderstand sometimes what Christ really said and meant. In this sermon, we will take a fresh look at the most crucial and important parables in the book of Matthew.
The Ten Commandments and the Model Prayer
Is there any relationship between the Ten Commandments and the Model Prayer in Matthew 6? Some parallels are obvious, such as, “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain” and “Hallowed be thy name,” but in other cases, the connection may be less clear at first sight. However, this sermon shows how the different phrases in the “Lord’s Prayer” complement each and every one of the Ten Commandments.
Moving Forward
By using the analogy of chess and focusing on the pawn, we can see throughout the Bible how God chose “regular common” individuals to fulfill His purpose. At first glance, the pawn is considered the weakest piece and it is only able to move forward; however, its significance increases as it reaches the other side of the chessboard, becoming more valuable by reaching it’s full potential. Just like us, we have a similar goal in life as we move forward, learning from mistakes along the way, so we can ultimately reach our goal to eternal life.
How did Christ Really Die?
Did Jesus die of a broken heart or exhaustion? Does the Bible explain HOW Christ died on the cross? The Holy Scriptures tell us that He died by shedding His blood, and that He was pierced through for our transgressions. HOW was He pierced through? The answer might surprise you.
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