Fight Like Christians

The world relies on war to bring about peace, but that is not the way to achieve it.  God never intended wars to be fought in the first place, as the Bible explains, but we are to be peacemakers.  We do however fight against the god of this world.  What do we need to do so we can be victorious?

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The Second Amendment and Gun Laws—Comments on News and Prophecy, July 9, 2022

A Mass Shooting at a Fourth of July Parade; the assassination of Japan’s Shinzo Abe; and the call for tougher gun control. Why is this discussion oftentimes hypocritical, and what is overlooked when addressing the Second Amendment and the Law of God? We also speak about the mess in the UK; the confusion pertaining to the definition of “a woman”; and the reasons for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

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Our Corrupt Political and Legal System—Comments on News and Prophecy, June 4, 2022

To ban or not to ban assault rifles; victory for Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania; acquittal of Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann; military control of Hollywood productions; and the controversial arrest of Peter Navarro—what do all these events have in common? Do they show by example the incredible corruption in our political and legal systems? If so, what is a true Christian supposed to do? Is it too far-fetched to say that our eternal salvation may be at stake?

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Europe—the Coming New Superpower

Europe is becoming the world’s new superpower. Most do not understand or are aware of this fact. This program shows the most recent “new reality,” which, as one article puts it, is occurring with “a speed that should alarm policymakers in Washington.”

The Passover and Christ’s Sacrifice

Properly baptized members of God’s Church who have received the Holy Spirit are commanded to partake of the New Testament Passover, but they must do so in a worthy manner. They must be able to appreciate the significance of Christ’s Sacrifice for their personal lives. They must understand what Christ did and does for them, and they must respond accordingly. But far too often, they do not. This sermon will show some pitfalls and dangers in thought and action.

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America’s Persecution of Churches

Do we realize that the left-liberal state and government-sponsored agenda, supporting same-sex marriages, gay and transgender people, has been causing increased persecution of churches and Christians, with no end in sight?  Do we understand that conservatives are jumping on the same bandwagon? Schools, pastors, church teachings and church functions are under attack as never before. But God does not approve, and the Bible speaks with authority on this issue.
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Opposites Don’t Attract

Because of ignorance and uncertainty, thinking that “the law” has been done away with, we have what we have today: people doing as they please, keeping holidays which are not from God, abusing their bodies in ways which are shameful in God’s eyes, giving into sin and deceit, and forsaking God’s specific commands on how to live a Godly life.  What does the Bible actually say when it comes to “the law” and in what way are we to do the opposite from what the world in general justifies in their own eyes?

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Slavery in the Bible

Why was there slavery in the Old Testament? Why didn’t the early apostles condemn slavery? Will there be slavery in God’s Kingdom and the Millennium? How should Christians view the concept of slavery today?

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Religious Persecution

Religious Intolerance and rejection of godly standards are on an unparalleled rise. In Isaiah 5:20, God pronounces a curse on those who call evil good, and good evil, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness. Satan the devil, the prince of darkness, transforms himself as an angel of light, putting darkness for light. In this program, we give numerous examples, showing what God condemns and our society upholds, and what God upholds and our society condemns. And yes, those who want to live godly will suffer persecution.

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Greek Crisis HELPS European Unification

Are you surprised by this title? Haven’t you heard that because of the Greek debt crisis, the EU and the European project are history? The Holy Scriptures tell you quite the opposite, and this program reveals from today’s news how the current European situation has already contributed to its biblically prophesied political, military and religious unification.

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