God’s Spirit of Mercy

In this world, we do not find much mercy. Rather, we see a lack of love; a thirst for revenge; and unmerciful conduct. But God shows us that we must be merciful in order to obtain His mercy. In many cases, self-righteousness prevents people from being merciful, as they may think that they are so much better than others; that they could never do what others have done; and that it is therefore necessary to dig up what has been buried. Such an attitude will never give us inward peace.

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Civil Courage

Civil courage or the courage of one’s conviction can be described as the courage to speak up and act for one’s position. Even though the term “civil courage” is not used in the Holy Scriptures, there are many biblical examples of people who boldly and strongly stood up for their convictions and for others in need, even if that included the possibility of suffering and persecution.

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Don’t Harden Your Heart

The most-known example of a man who hardened his heart and thereby refused to submit to the Will of God was probably the Pharaoh at the time of the Exodus. But the Bible contains many more examples of people who hardened their heart, and even Christ’s own disciples were not immune. What are the inevitable consequences of a proud, hardened, bitter, rebellious and unrepentant heart?

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Come Again—One Cannot and Does Not Have To Obey the Law?

God gave us His law in order to obey it. But doesn’t God also say that we cannot serve or obey Him? On the other hand, He only promises us the gift of the Holy Spirit when we obey Him. How can we reconcile these apparent contradictions, and what exactly is the Holy Spirit which is supposed to dwell in us, and what does it accomplish in and through us?

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What Happened Historically During the Days of Unleavened Bread?

In this sermon, we will discuss historical events which took place during the Days of Unleavened Bread. These occurrences do not only have literal meaning, but they also have symbolic relevance for us. The godly injunctions and admonitions are surely important for us today.

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Will Christ Find Faith on the Earth?

Do we have faith in God and His power to work miracles? But is this kind of faith sufficient in order to be able to enter the Kingdom of God, or is an additional kind of faith required? What exactly is that faith which God’s Holy Spirit must give us? How is faith described in the Bible; why does it not have anything to do with what we can see; and why does doubt destroy our faith?

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Why SEVEN Days for Overcoming Sin?

We must fight against and overcome sin, and the SEVEN Days of Unleavened Bread remind us of Israel’s exodus from Egypt and the consistent refusal of Pharaoh to let Israel go. These events have deep symbolic meaning for us today and show how Satan, the ruler over sin and the powers of this world, has already lost his war with us.
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Leave it to God

Note: There will be a still-picture for about 6 min in the video

Sometimes our life seems to be very complicated and hardly comprehensible, and we might only understand later why certain events occurred like they did. God’s Ways are not our ways, and He guides our steps in a sometimes surprising and unexpected manner. This sermon shows how much God is concerned about us and that our life is indeed in His hands.

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Our Unrighteous World–Our Religions

We have a hotchpotch of different religions and religious beliefs which are divided and estranged, but all of them proclaim that they show us the way toward salvation and eternal life. Is this really the case? What is their origin, and what does the only one and true God tell us about the only way to salvation?

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Our Unrighteous School- and Education- Systems

What is the origin of our modern education- and school- systems?  Do they help us to understand the Truth? What does the Bible tell us about human wisdom, ethics and philosophy? What are some of the many wrong concepts which our children are being taught in school? What can parents do to counteract the oftentimes devastating influence which our children experience in school?

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