No Escape From Death

We do not know when we will die, but we do know that we will die. Death is inescapable, and so we need to be prepared. How will we die? Will our day of death be better than our day of birth? Will we die the death of a righteous? Will we be blessed in death? Will death have lost its sting for us? Will the crown of life await us?

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Hope in Trials

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is a message of hope-it is God’s good news to man about his future. In times of trials, it is important to remind ourselves about what God has in store for us. Most have no idea, but the Bible clearly reveals that it is the potential of man to become God-“gods” or God beings in God’s Family! Blasphemy? That’s what they said when Jesus preached it. That’s what many say today. And that is why they despair and are without confidence in God’s help when problems come. We are offering you our free weekly Update and our free booklet, “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God.”

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Reasons for Weakness

Are we struggeling with trials and weaknesses? Are there reasons for them? The Bible reveals examples of individuals who struggled with weaknesses and trials and how they were able to overcome them.

Length: 13 Min
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Josiah-A Righteous King of Judah

Following David and Solomon, most kings of Israel and Judah were evil in the sight of God. Not one king from the house of Israel lived up to God’s standards, and only very few kings from the house of Judah did. One shining example was righteous King Josiah, and it is worthwhile to study his life for encouragement and inspiration. Josiah abandoned pagan worship and restored the true worship of God. He was willing to obey God, but his life ended prematurely due to a wrong decision.

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The Fate of Our Children

How does the life style of parents affect their children? When Adam and Eve sinned, God cut off the world from access to Him and His Way of Life, until Christ returns, but God determined to call some in this day and age to have a special relationship with Him. This includes the children of called-out parents. Whether they may realize it or not, parents have a tremendous influence on their children and grandchildren—in good and bad ways.

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Treasure Your Crown!

Jesus warned: “Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.” How is this to be understood? Is He saying that if we fail, someone else will take our place?

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Anger Management

Psychologists misunderstand the nature of anger and give oftentimes wrong advice as to how to deal with it. What does the Bible say about the causes of anger and wrath? Does God tell us very clearly how we are not to deal with anger; and how we can solve this devastating problem which could destroy us and others?

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Are You Following God’s Lead?

Does God lead you to choose or not to choose a certain course of action? Do you act at times against your better judgment, only to realize that you should have followed your “instincts” or your “first impression”? Do you sometimes feel that you are being motivated to do or not to do something, without fully knowing as to why that is? If you truly know God and are close to Him, you will experience that you are being directed in certain ways, and it is always good to carefully listen to and consider that guidance.

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The Doctrine of the Laying on of Hands

In Hebrews 6, the doctrine of the laying on of hands is described as one of the elementary or foundational teachings of God. Sadly, most people do not understand what this doctrine means, and how it is to be applied. This sermon explains this very important teaching from the pages of your Bible.

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Where do we put our trust, in God or man? As we continue to go through trials, one thing is for sure – look to God and He will give us the desires of our heart.

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