President Trump’s Destiny — Comments on News and Prophecy (November 16, 2019)

Some feel that President Trump is fulfilling a prophetic role in relation to the state of Israel, which is similar to the role of Cyrus, King of Persia, who helped the Jews to build the Second Temple. They say that Trump will be used to help build the Third Temple, as a prerequisite for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  Trump seems to believe this himself.

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Germany’s Dirty Politics

The events in Germany serve as a striking example as to how dirty and rotten politics is. But why is that? What can all of us learn from these developments? And do the events point at significant biblical prophecies—especially, when focusing on the political future of Angela Merkel and Martin Schulz?

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NO! The Holy Roman Empire Is NOT Dead!

The Bible shows us, and history confirms, that after the fall of Rome, the ancient Roman Empire (later known as the Holy Roman Empire) would revive numerous times. The last and final revival is happening right now in Europe. Recent news articles, totally oblivious to biblical teaching and prophecy, nevertheless confirm that the concept of the Holy Roman Empire is not dead at all. However, the devastating and terribly destructive consequences of nuclear war, following the last European revival, are mainly overlooked. Do YOU know what is going to happen on the world scene within a very few years from now?

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Germany to Fill the Military Void?

We have told you for decades that the relationship between the USA and Europe under German leadership will become more and more fragile, and that a united Europe will step into the breach when the USA draws back, declines and collapses. Recent events and biblical prophecy prove the accuracy of our assertions. Are you AWARE as to what is happening before your very eyes?

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Does the EU Follow Napoleon and Hitler?

Boris Johnson, former major of London and presumptive successor of David Cameron, claimed that the EU is pursuing a similar goal to Hitler and Napoleon in trying to revive the ancient Roman Empire and to create a powerful superstate. While he was severely criticized for this comparison, the Bible shows that he is absolutely correct.

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666–The Number of the Beast

In this first installment of our three-part series on biblical prophecy, we are discussing the famous number of the beast’s name, which is mentioned in Revelation 13. Many have tried unsuccessfully to identify the beast and to calculate its number. But who or what is the beast, and why is it described with seven heads and ten horns? Is the beast a kingdom, a human leader, or both? Is its number 666 or 616? Will the end-time beast receive a deadly wound, which will be healed? Could the beast be a woman? Is the beast the Antichrist?

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Timeline of Biblical Prophecy and Rome’s Ten Revivals

What is going to happen in the future? Does the Bible give us an outline or time table of events, leading to the return of Jesus Christ, and beyond? What, if anything, do developments in Europe tell us? Will there be a final revival of the ancient Roman Empire? Our free booklets, “Biblical Prophecy-From Now Until Forever,” and “The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire” give you the startling and surprising answers. Copies of both booklets are waiting for you.

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