America’s Afghan War and Isolation

A “new strategy for lasting peace in Afghanistan” was announced, but how likely is it that we will ever see peace in that part of the world? Pakistan has reacted very aggressively to President Trump’s proposal, while a nuclear confrontation with North Korea is still looming. America’s allies are distancing themselves from the USA , and Stephen Bannon’s ouster and his “declaration of war,” coupled with a united revolt of US generals and admirals against the President, are of great concern.

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Nuclear War Between North Korea and the USA?

Many feel that the most recent economic sanctions by the UN Security Council will not halt North Korea’s nuclear power program. But what can America do, short of a military strike, which would be a devastating move? Is it possible that North Korea could attack American territory, like Guam, and American cities? Does the Bible give us any hints?

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Is Russia a Threat to the West?

The answer to this question is an unequivocal “Yes.” We address some of the many frightening Russian activities, both internationally and domestically. Russia, under Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church, is a military and religious dictatorship. In this program, we are especially focusing on Syria, the Mediterranean, Ukraine, North Korea and Russia’s ongoing persecution of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and show how the world is speeding towards nuclear World War III.

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Under Satan’s Rule

Terrorist attacks by crazy suicide bombers; the utter deterioration of the relationship between USA and Europe; Europe’s preparation to create a powerful army; violence in the Middle East; ongoing threats from North Korea; apparitions of the “Virgin Mary”; ridiculous laws; complete misrepresentations of the biblical truth; and many other developments show us Satan’s handiwork. The White House is viewed as one the most haunted homes in America, with leading politicians having been involved in séances or communications with ghosts. This is Satan’s world, and he is anxious to bring about the Great Tribulation.

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Coming–Nuclear War With No Survivors?

Jesus Christ told us that an unparalleled time of disaster would strike this planet which could eradicate all life on earth. Many feel today that nuclear war is inevitable… that it is not a question of “if,” but of “when,” killing billions of people. The Hill wrote on May 15 that the world may be on the “threshold of a ‘new nuclear age'” where “the likelihood of nuclear use is greatly increasing.” The Bible prophesies worldwide nuclear war. But there IS hope for us!

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2017–a Dangerous Year

2016 ended as it began–with uncertainty, fear, violence and tremendous upheaval. It appears that 2017 will be worse. Are the dark days of the 1930’s upon us, as Prince Charles warns? Are “things falling apart” and is “mere anarchy loosed upon the world,” indicating the Second Coming of Christ, as the Catholic Church in England suspects? Has the world “turned upside down,” as Angela Merkel stated? A grim picture emerges, when we contemplate worldwide terrorism, global Islamist extremism and ISIS, Donald Trump’s USA, the UK’s Brexit, coming elections in France, The Netherlands and Germany, as well as events in Syria, Iraq, Israel, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Afghanistan, Putin’s Russia, China, North Korea, Japan and the Philippines. Are we really that close to the Great Tribulation and the annihilation of mankind?

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Are You Voting for World War III?

Most Americans will vote on November 8 for “their” candidate, but many don’t do it because of conviction, but in order to prevent “greater harm”; giving their voice to a “lesser of two evils.”  But will either of the candidates make a substantial difference to the horrible condition of this country? They have accused each other of bringing about World War III, and sadly, they might very well be right. We are offering free literature which places the current catastrophic situation within the USA into proper biblical perspective.

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Allies Forsaken and Angered by US?

While the Middle East seems to be ready to explode, the US seems to be anxious to antagonize the world and its closest allies, including Germany, Israel and the United Kingdom. An independent Israeli attack on Iran seems to draw nearer, and while Germany is not about to be lectured by the US, the British Isles are angered by the Obama Administration’s and the four surviving ex-U.S. leaders’ refusal to attend Margaret Thatcher’s funeral. All of this is quite telling and important in the light of biblical prophecy.

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