The topic of swearing and giving an oath is not as easily answered as some may think. Many concepts abound, pro and con. The Bible tells us that God swears; that angels swear; that righteous people in the Old Testament have sworn, and that people in the Millennium will swear. But don’t Jesus and James tell us that we are not to swear at all? However, some claim that Jesus and Paul have sworn. What is the answer?
Obeying Trump to Launch Nuclear Strike?
Adm. Scott Swift, the U.S. Pacific Fleet commander, said he would launch a nuclear attack against a foreign country, if ordered by President Trump, stating that every member of the US military has sworn an oath to obey the Commander in Chief. This is the same reasoning which was employed by German officers for obeying Adolf Hitler. What is wrong with this rationale in the eyes of God and the Bible? Can a true Christian be a nationalist, defending his country, “whether right or wrong,” and fighting in his country’s wars?
Download AudioWhy Did King Saul Fail?
Following Israel’s demand for a king to fight their battles, God instructed the judge and prophet Samuel to anoint Saul as their king. Saul received God’s Holy Spirit, but he failed miserably. Why? In this sermon we will show you numerous examples of Saul’s misconduct leading to his downfall. They must serve as a warning for us. If we repeat King Saul’s mistakes, we might be likewise at risk of falling away from God.
Before You Speak
Many times, we speak too quickly or rashly, without first thinking or considering deeply what we are saying. But God holds us responsible for what we may promise. God is totally reliable and trustworthy, and He cannot lie. He wants to see the same character trait in His children.