Civil courage or the courage of one’s conviction can be described as the courage to speak up and act for one’s position. Even though the term “civil courage” is not used in the Holy Scriptures, there are many biblical examples of people who boldly and strongly stood up for their convictions and for others in need, even if that included the possibility of suffering and persecution.
Come Again—One Cannot and Does Not Have To Obey the Law?
God gave us His law in order to obey it. But doesn’t God also say that we cannot serve or obey Him? On the other hand, He only promises us the gift of the Holy Spirit when we obey Him. How can we reconcile these apparent contradictions, and what exactly is the Holy Spirit which is supposed to dwell in us, and what does it accomplish in and through us?
Could We Survive another Lockdown?
As a nation, we could not. The lockdown restrictions have brought us an “economic catastrophe the likes of which we have never seen before,” as well as “untold human suffering.” And still, we hear increasingly that certain US states are willing to return to lockdown. And that, even though lockdown measures have not proven to be successful. In Germany, a huge demonstration took place last Saturday, demanding an end to governmental-mandated restrictions. But Germany’s government will not allow such demonstrations to continue for long. US state governments resort likewise to more and more totalitarian measurers. The real question for you is: Can YOU survive another lockdown? The answer is: Absolutely, if you make the right decisions.
Download AudioDo You Believe in the True Jesus?
Christ told you: “If you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.” What did He mean by that? What is it exactly that you have to believe, and what kind of faith is required? What are the most important descriptions, specifications and characteristics of Jesus, in which you have to believe, in order to inherit eternal life?
Misunderstandings Regarding the Resurrection and Salvation
One can easily misunderstand the Bible if one quotes Scriptures out of context or ignores important statements. For example, how was Jesus Christ resurrected, and what kind of body will a true Christian have in the resurrection? Will many or just very few inherit salvation? Is it true that most will end up in the lake of fire? Or is it correct that today, just about everyone is called for the Kingdom of God? Is there sin which cannot and will not be forgiven? In what way will all Israel be saved?
Milk and Honey
What does the Bible refer to when describing the Promised Land as a land flowing with milk and honey? Is there a connection between the physical meaning as well as a spiritual significance? What does the future hold for this world and for God’s people, the spiritual Israelites?
Wrestling Sin
The Bible says that we all sin and at times it can be a constant struggle, as we try to overcome. What can we learn from the examples in the Bible about those who continuously wrestled with sin?
Lessons From Leaven
The Holy Days reveal God’s framework for mankind’s salvation. They outline—that is, map out key elements in God’s Master PLAN. The Feast of Unleavened Bread teaches us about removing sin from our lives, but there is much more for us to learn during this observance!
Stay Close
Our relationship to the Father and Jesus Christ depends on staying close to them—otherwise, we fail!
Why Did King Saul Fail?
Following Israel’s demand for a king to fight their battles, God instructed the judge and prophet Samuel to anoint Saul as their king. Saul received God’s Holy Spirit, but he failed miserably. Why? In this sermon we will show you numerous examples of Saul’s misconduct leading to his downfall. They must serve as a warning for us. If we repeat King Saul’s mistakes, we might be likewise at risk of falling away from God.