How We Are Destroying Ourselves!

Certain developments might very well contribute to the prophesied downfall of America and Britain. We report on dangerous and risky experiments taking place in laboratories in London, England, and in Boston, USA, which were called “insanity” and which could unleash, in theory, a new deadly “viral threat”; and we address a new lethal chemical, dubbed as a “weapon of mass destruction,” which has arrived on American soil in quantities which could kill every American citizen seven times over.

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COVID 19—a Man-Made Pandemic?

The Bible prophesies for the end time serious worldwide disease epidemics and pandemics, which are caused far too often by human misconduct, resulting in incredible pain for innocent victims. Governments may contribute to the suffering when attempting to combat the pandemics. What can be said, then, in regard to the origin of COVID-19? And does the Bible include many warnings which, if headed, would prevent the spread of many disease epidemics?
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Biden’s State of the Union Speech—God Help Us!

In discussing the State of the Union Address by President Biden on March 1, an editorial by the New York Post hit the nail on the head, concluding, “It was an unserious speech for deadly serious times. Lord help us.”

This program discusses some of the most controversial statements by President Biden in his speech and shows why the downfall of the USA is inevitable. Indeed, may God have mercy on all of us.

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America’s Downfall and Europe’s Rise

Most recent events show the ongoing decline and downfall of the USA with astonishing speed, while at the same time, Europe is preparing to rise and fill the vacuum. This program shows what is truly happening and sheds light on the facts which have been ignored or overlooked in far too many instances.

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Coming… a worldwide Dictatorship

The whole world is being prepared today for accepting a global autocratic dictatorship. Its beginning is already manifesting itself on the world scene. Do you know what is happening, and why, and that the Bible has prophesied this end-time development thousands of years ago?

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Should you get vaccinated against Coronavirus?

This must be your decision, based on your individual circumstances and conviction. But your decision should require proper investigation, inquiry and knowledge; it should be an informed decision and not just based on emotion. This program will discuss much of what has been reported about the vaccines and their morality, safety and side effects… and again, you must ascertain for yourself, as best as you can, as to whether those reports are factual or not.

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Faith That Saves

Faith all by itself without any action isn’t enough to be saved. What do we need to do in order for us to be truly saved from death? How can we learn from the examples in the Bible what it means to put our complete trust in God?

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Overcoming Fear

Fear is something that has been talked about and warned about for many years.  The world is in a present state of fear.  What does God expect us to do? Will we obey Him and what He commands or will we give in to fear?

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Satan’s Wrath against Britain

The relationship between the UK and the EU is getting worse. And while the UK is descending more and more into an economic and political abyss, core European nations will soon be emerging strongly. How can we say this so dogmatically? And what role does the coronavirus crisis play in all of this?

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WHY Christ’s Return IS NEAR indeed!

How can we be so SURE that Christ’s return is near?  Why is Christ’s soon-coming return the only hope for mankind’s survival? What are many different news events PROVING to us that Christ will return very soon? Our new free booklet, “How Can We Know that Christ’s Return Is Near?” gives you answers to these all-important questions. Please be sure to watch the short VIDEO at the END of this program.

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