Is God Punishing the USA?

For years, we have announced that the USA will fall, and more recently, that this fall is imminent. Now, a remarkable new article in the Jerusalem Post is contemplating the same development, while raising the question about whether God may have something to do with it. In this program, we discuss this possibility in more detail.

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“The Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”

How do governmental officials all over the world try to deal with those who have not been vaccinated against the corona virus? Of course, there have been lockdowns or severe restrictions of movement and access to facilities; there has been the push for mandatory vaccinations, and there have been arrests of unvaccinated persons who showed their faces in public, but this program will address mainly the verbal abuse by governmental leaders and others which has become more and more common.
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The Deceitfulness of Sin

How and in what way does sin deceive us? Why is the way of sin a way of error and of fraud? How can people and Satan deceive us and lead us into error? Why is sin compared with leaven, and why are we to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, the Herodians, and the Sadducees? Can we, on our own, overcome sin?

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The Stars Are Falling

Fox News asked the question as to why scientists didn’t see the Russian meteorite coming. The answer is simple: There are just far too many asteroids and meteors out there, and it is estimated that 100,000 of them are likely to intersect with Earth in the future. The Bible shows that in the past, these impacts did happen, and it prophesies terrible calamities in the future.

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The Seventh Trumpet

When the seventh or last trumpet sounds, historic events will take place. Seven angels will pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath; Jesus Christ will return; and the saints will be resurrected and changed to immortality. Will a battle take place at Armageddon? What will happen to the beast and the false prophet and all those who will fight against Jesus Christ? Why are they going to oppose the Son of God in the first place? Will Christ come twice, as some claim? Will the saints ascend with Christ to the third heaven and return with Him later to this earth?

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Could Jesus Return Tonight?

A strong minority of Americans believes that we are living in the End Times, while 52 percent disagree. Some believe and teach that Jesus could come back tonight, while others say that He won’t return at all. What does the Bible tell us?

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