Russia’s Persecution of Minority Christians

On July 6, Vladimir Putin signed a law against terrorism which prohibits major activities of minority Christians in Russia, including sharing one’s belief online; praying at home in the presence of an “unbeliever”; or answering questions of an “unbelieving” co-worker about the Christian faith. Many more Christian activities are now punishable under this new law, which is without doubt inspired by Satan. But apart from a few Christian papers and websites, neither the US President or the White House, nor the left-liberal and conservative media have reported about these appalling atrocities in Russia.

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America’s Self-Inflicted Isolation

The Syrian debacle shows once more the unparalleled troubles America is facing. Being attacked by its enemies and completely isolated from its allies, President Obama does not seem to know what to do. At the same time, America’s spying activities and its policy to assist Egypt’s successive governments, while refusing to grant individuals asylum who are being religiously persecuted in other countries is a sad indictment of a nation which has forsaken values which it once possessed.

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Political EU Union in Germany’s Image?

While the world is focusing on the American elections and events in the Middle East, other important events are taking place in Europe, which signalize the soon-coming return of Jesus Christ. Europe is desirous of uniting politically-and it will-and Europe’s relationship with the Ukraine and Russia is deteriorating. All of this has been prophesied to occur in the Bible.

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Putin’s Rise as Russia’s Dictator

The three young Russian women of the punk band Pussy Riot were condemned to harsh prison terms, with the obvious involvement and approval of Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church, even though the conduct of the band was not of a religious nature, but clearly a political protest. The Western world has unanimously condemned the punishment, but Vladimir Putin does not care. It is his goal, with the help of the Russian Orthodox Church, to establish an authoritarian dictatorship to suppress all opposition voices. As a consequence, the relationship between the Russia and Europe will deteriorate. The Bible predicts an outright war between these two power blocs in the near future.

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Religious Persecution

Religious Intolerance and rejection of godly standards are on an unparalleled rise. In Isaiah 5:20, God pronounces a curse on those who call evil good, and good evil, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness. Satan the devil, the prince of darkness, transforms himself as an angel of light, putting darkness for light. In this program, we give numerous examples, showing what God condemns and our society upholds, and what God upholds and our society condemns. And yes, those who want to live godly will suffer persecution.

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Christ spoke of a coming great tribulation of unparalleled proportions. It will be a time of persecution of many of God’s elect, and a time of military defeat of the modern nations of the houses of Israel and Judah. Some of God’s people will be protected at a place of safety, and many will be protected later from God’s wrath to come, during the Day of the Lord. But does this mean that all will escape any persecution? And who will be at the place of safety, and who will not be there? Don’t assume that you know the answer.

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