No Escape From Death

We do not know when we will die, but we do know that we will die. Death is inescapable, and so we need to be prepared. How will we die? Will our day of death be better than our day of birth? Will we die the death of a righteous? Will we be blessed in death? Will death have lost its sting for us? Will the crown of life await us?

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Pope Francis’ Fight with the Vatican

It has been almost a recent routine by the Vatican to ignore, dispute or “clarify” something that Pope Francis has (allegedly) said. This includes statements about communism, homosexuality, divorce and remarriage, and whether animals go to heaven when they die. Pope Francis is also involving himself more and more in political affairs, such as the relationship between the USA and Cuba. His popularity is enormous, especially in Europe, due to his charming appearance. His most recent strong attack against the Curia has been described as “without historic precedent” and “one last warning before a direct confrontation.” A spokesman for the Vatican has also referred to him as a “prophet.” What can we expect to occur in the future? We offer two free booklets, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?” and “Man’s Holidays or God’s Holy Days?”

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The Helmet of Salvation

Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:17 to “take the helmet of salvation.” What else are we to “take” from God, and what is the connection with the helmet of salvation? Why are we reading about the cup of salvation; the shield of salvation; and the garments of salvation? The Bible speaks also about the helmet of the hope of salvation. What exactly is this hope? What exactly is salvation? And what is the only way to obtain salvation?

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Feast of Trumpets 2014—Christ’s Return

The Feast of Trumpets symbolizes the return of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the righteous to eternal life. The book of Revelation contains seven messages to seven congregations of the Church of God. What relationship exists between the last four of those seven messages and Christ’s return? What does the Bible say about the time of Christ’s return? Is that time already fixed? Why does Christ say that even He does not know the exact time?  Is the time of His coming conditioned upon certain events which have to take place first? What does it mean that the time of Christ’s return is solely within the authority of the Father?

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God’s Spirit of Power

One of the most important qualities of the Holy Spirit is godly power with which God creates and upholds everything, and which He wants to share with man. But first, certain special requirements are necessary. This sermon shows you our incredible potential, if we are counted worthy for it.

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Christ’s Parables in the Book of Luke

Less than two months ago, we discussed many of the parables in the Book of Matthew. In this sermon, we will address those parables in the book of Luke, which are not addressed in the book of Matthew. They include, among many others, the parable of the good Samaritan; the rich fool; the great supper; the lost son, the unjust steward; the Pharisee and the tax collector; the minas; and of course the mostly misunderstood parable of Lazarus and the rich man.

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Does the Vatican Question the Return of Christ?

A spokesperson for the Vatican, Cardinal Giorgio Salvadore, allegedly announced that the coming of Christ may not happen. The Cardinal reportedly said that Jesus may have been drinking when he uttered the statements of His return, and that people make promises they can’t keep when they’re drunk. Other religious teachers postulate as well that Jesus will not return, or that He has already returned. Why does the Bible condemn these views as deceitful, blasphemous and ungodly?

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Why Do YOU Keep Easter?

Where did the celebration of Easter come from? Why did many Christians over the centuries never keep it, including the Reformers and the Puritans, and why don’t some Christians keep it today? How and through whom were Easter customs adopted by the American people? Does the Bible endorse their observance? Our free booklet on “Man’s Holidays and God’s Holy Days” is offered as well.

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One Nation Under WHAT God?

What God are we worshipping? Is it enough to believe in just any “god”? Does the true God of the Bible accept our worship of pagan idols? Does He want us to worship Him as just one Person, or as three Persons in one Person, or as one Person in three hypostases or modes of being? Who and what IS God? Who was and is Jesus Christ? Are the Jews or the Moslems correct, who worship just one God Being, or orthodox Christians, who worship a Trinity, believing that the Holy Spirit is God? Or are they perhaps ALL wrong?

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Scientific Nonsense-Do You Believe it?

Here are three examples of scientists who teach concepts of utter nonsense: Death is just an illusion; the world will end in February of 2014; and evolving human beings were placed on this earth by aliens. This program shows why ideas like these are in total opposition to God’s Word, and asks whether you know what the Bible says. Our free booklets, “The Theory of Evolution” and “The Authority of the Bible,” will help you to answer to this important question.

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