Opposites Don’t Attract

Because of ignorance and uncertainty, thinking that “the law” has been done away with, we have what we have today: people doing as they please, keeping holidays which are not from God, abusing their bodies in ways which are shameful in God’s eyes, giving into sin and deceit, and forsaking God’s specific commands on how to live a Godly life.  What does the Bible actually say when it comes to “the law” and in what way are we to do the opposite from what the world in general justifies in their own eyes?

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The Sabbath

The Sabbath was made for man and was instituted by God on creation week as a day of rest and worship to Him.  It is also the only sign  given to true Christians that we are worshipping the one and true God .  No other day has been designated for true Christians to worship God.

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©2025 Church of the Eternal God