The Bible prophesies that a large group of people will fall away from the Truth just prior to Christ’s Return. We are also told that individuals have been falling away from the Truth at all times. What are the reasons for falling away from God? And how are we to act when we are confronted with lying and grievous wolves who are trying to deceive us and encourage us to leave the Church of God?
secret rapture
The Book of 2 Thessalonians
What significance does Paul’s prophetic writing have for us today? Who is the son of perdition and the man of sin, sitting in the temple of God, claiming to be God? What is meant with “antichrist”? Are God’s people still going to face the falling away from the truth? Does the Bible teach that Christ returns twice? How does God send strong delusion?
Why Christ Will Return!
In this sermon, we are showing you many reasons why Christ will come back very soon. The biblical Feast of Trumpets symbolizes His return and the accompanying circumstances and conditions. Without Christ’s second coming, mankind would have no future, and even converted Christians would be lost.
The End of Europe – Part 2
As God will end the rule of the physical powers of this world, including the last resurrection of the Roman Empire in Europe and the Babylonian system, so He will also deal with the responsible evil spiritual powers which are working behind the scene. Satan and his demons will be imprisoned in the bottomless pit, also called the abyss, so that they cannot deceive the world anymore during the Millennium. But where will this prison be, and what is it, exactly? And what is the relationship between the abyss and Europe?
God’s Gracious Gifts
According to tradition, on the Day of Pentecost, God pronounced the Ten Commandments to the nation of Israel. According to Acts 2, God gave His Holy Spirit to the New Testament Church on the Day of Pentecost. What is the connection?
What About the Secret Rapture? – Part 1
Will Christ’s disciples be raptured and taken to the third heaven? How is Christ’s Second Coming described? Will He return secretly or visibly? Will He return twice? Where and how did the idea of a secret rapture originate? Does the Bible teach it, and did the early New Testament Church believe in it?
Could Jesus Return Tonight?
A strong minority of Americans believes that we are living in the End Times, while 52 percent disagree. Some believe and teach that Jesus could come back tonight, while others say that He won’t return at all. What does the Bible tell us?
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