The demonical terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida, must be strongly condemned by every true Christian. At the same time, we must be careful that we do not fall into Satan’s trap who may induce us, due to our justified sympathy for the many victims, to support the entire homosexual lifestyle. In addition, evidence is building that the jihadist was himself gay or had “gay tendencies”– a development which the left-liberal press would like to suppress. Our free booklet, “Punishment for Our Sins,” makes clear that God will punish severely the senseless acts or terrorists and mass murderers.
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Lessons From Leaven
The Holy Days reveal God’s framework for mankind’s salvation. They outline—that is, map out key elements in God’s Master PLAN. The Feast of Unleavened Bread teaches us about removing sin from our lives, but there is much more for us to learn during this observance!
Passover Preparation (Special)
As a baptized member of the Church of God, we need to prepare for this year’s Passover service on April 21, 2016, by examining ourselves. Will we partake of the Passover in a worthy manner? If not, we will be judged by God and may face serious sickness or even premature death. We must ask ourselves the following questions, among many others: Who is the most important person in your life? What is the cause for sin?
Strength in Unity
When we are faced with trials, how do we respond, how do we react? Do we neglect the power of prayer when we go through difficult times? Are we strong enough? Is there a purpose for the trials we may be going through? We must understand that we are not alone, as we ALL struggle at times, which is why it is important to pray for one another, and if we put our problems into God’s hands, anything is possible.
What Is and What Isn’t a Christian Marriage?
What does the Bible say about marriage, divorce and celibacy? What do we learn in the Bible about “same-sex marriages,” polygamy and mixed religious marriages? When is a divorce permitted? Is it a sin to marry or not to marry? When is the one preferable over the other? When one wants to marry, are both potential mates ready for marriage? How can we improve our marriages?
Wrong Political Opinions and Your Reaction
US political candidates have begun their battle for the presidency, while uttering opinions which are totally opposed to the Holy Scriptures. What is your reaction when you hear those comments, or when you see how the nation is descending further and further into the abyss of lawlessness and ungodliness? Are you indifferent about it, thinking it does not matter? The Bible tells us unequivocally what are abominations in God’s eyes, and He pronounces severe punishment on such conduct. We are also clearly informed as to how we, as Christians, must behave when we are confronted with transgressions of God’s Law.
Download Audio Download VideoWar Is a Solution to Nothing!
Why is war so wrong? Why is it a curse in God’s eyes? Two of many examples given in this program show beyond a doubt why God is totally opposed to man’s fighting in war.
Download Audio Download VideoLeaving the Church of God?
There have always been those who left the Church of God because of numerous reasons. Not everyone who attends Church services is part of the Church of God. Still, membership in the true Church of God is necessary for salvation. This sermon shows what is the Church of God; who leads and directs it; and why one must not forsake the Church of God, if one wants to inherit eternal life.
Raising Children in a Godless Age
In a remarkable article, Billy Graham explains why so many children grow up with a “Do as you please” philosophy, and as a result, they are “running wild.” He emphasizes the need for discipline and a good parental example, but liberal concepts and unbiblical actions of Child Protecting Services are not helping. A shocking video shows what happens when parents lie to their children and when children grow up without proper supervision and training. The Bible warns us that in this day and age, children will rule over their parents. We are offering our free booklet, “The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families.”
Download Audio Download VideoThe Old Testament Commandments, Statutes, and Judgments
Jesus said that all the Law and the Prophets hang on the two great commandments of loving God and neighbor. The first four of the Ten Commandments hang on the injunction to love God, and the last six of the Ten Commandments hang on the injunction to love our neighbor. In addition, certain Old Testament statutes and judgments hang on each of the Ten Commandments, in that they tell us specifically and in detail as to how we are to keep them.