Coming… a worldwide Dictatorship

The whole world is being prepared today for accepting a global autocratic dictatorship. Its beginning is already manifesting itself on the world scene. Do you know what is happening, and why, and that the Bible has prophesied this end-time development thousands of years ago?

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Germany’s Ongoing Descend into Undemocratic Dictatorship

This program will discuss Germany’s continuing unconstitutional restrictions by Angela Merkel and all 16 state premiers, without any involvement of the German parliament. Now, another partial lockdown has been announced by Merkel and her allies, again without parliamentary approval. This has been termed by German politicians “across the spectrum” as “unprecedented” since World War II and as “wartime propaganda.” But this is just the beginning of what is to follow very soon.

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Watch powerful Germany!

Some may think that Germany is currently not that powerful. They would be wrong. This program shows the tremendous German influence in matters such as Brexit and the transition period; military operations and the coming EU Army; and Europe’s hostile stance towards the USA and Israel. It also addresses a brand-new political scandal in Germany and the German Catholic bishops’ fight with Pope Francis. Bible prophecy is marching on.

Comments on News and Prophecy (November 24, 2018)

In this edition, we are addressing Europe’s desire for creating a powerful army and core Europe’s last revival of the ancient Roman Empire; the ongoing Brexit debacle with no good solutions for the UK; the future of Gibraltar; the false alternative Temple Theory and Israel’s desire of building a massive third temple on the Temple Mount; the non-exiting German-Israeli Friendship and Europe’s growing anti-Semitism; the Church of God’s debt of gratitude towards the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals; the European arms embargo on Saudi Arabia; and the curse of rising nationalism.

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What the BIBLE Says on the Brexit Debacle

Much has been reported on present and future Brexit negotiations, the real or possible adoption of legally binding or not-binding deals, and further developments and potential outcomes. This can be confusing at times. This program will bring clarity and tell you what the Bible prophesies regarding the EU and Great Britain.

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Europe’s Immigration Nightmare

Europe is involved in an unparalleled immigration scandal, showing complete disharmony, backstabbing, blackmail, compromise, selling out, a defeat of moderate voices and a victory of the far right. A European “deal” of establishing “screening centers” in African countries has been described as a “farce.” Germany’s Angela Merkel is fighting for her political survival and striking controversial and probably illegal deals with Bavaria’s Horst Seehofer regarding transit centers on European soil. Austria’s Sebastian Kurz is proposing more controversial ideas. Where will this all end?

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Why Europe Supports the Anti-Israeli Iranian Regime

Astonishing details have been revealed about Israel’s readiness to attack Iran in 2010, 2011 and 2012, and why it did not happen then. Iran is still determined to obliterate Israel, and the question must be asked why countries are supporting a deal with Iran even though they know about Iran’s intensions. Could it be that prophesied economic interests, especially in Europe, are the determining factors?

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