Rumors, Fake News and the Truth

All of us are potential victims of fake news, false reports and rumors. We are confronted with them everywhere—including and especially in regard to the teachings of the Bible, but we also find them in the worldly mass media and the propaganda of the lying press.  Why do so many believe rumors and false reports so quickly? And how can we distinguish between what is true and what is false?

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Killing Sunday-Keeping Aliens?

In our last StandingWatch program, titled, “Killing Sabbath-Keeping Aliens,” we spoke about the science fiction movie, The Tomorrow War, pointing out that these hostile aliens were keeping and resting on the seventh day—the Sabbath—and had to be destroyed. The question arose whether the reference to the seventh day—the Sabbath—was not actually a reference to Sunday. Is Sunday the biblical Sabbath? What is the Truth?

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Killing Sabbath-Keeping Aliens

A new science-fiction movie, titled “The Tomorrow War,” describes the “need” to destroy hostile Sabbath-keeping aliens, called “White Spikes” who have been on this planet for a long time without having been noticed. What is of concern is an old demonic prophecy which contains astonishing and frightening parallels.

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What? The Mark of the Beast Does Not Already Exist?

An idea has been advanced that the biblical mark of the beast does not exist at this time, and it is not explained as what the mark of the beast is. The truth is that the mark of the beast has been in existence for a long time, as we have taught for many years, and the Bible tells us very clearly what the mark of the beast is, and how it is different from the sign with which God identifies His people.

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Pope Francis Attacks True Christianity!

In recent comments, Pope Francis displayed his utter ignorance of what true Christianity is all about, and he attacked true Christians in a totally inconsistent and contradictory way. WHAT DID HE SAY which was so terribly wrong? And WHY were some of his comments so utterly hypocritical? Please stay tuned to the END of this program for a very important announcement.

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Are You Keeping God’s Commandments?

Most Christians would answer this question in the affirmative, but would they be correct? What about the weekly Sabbath? Has it been replaced by Sunday? If so, by what authority? What is the Roman Catholic’s position on that important question? What about God’s annual Holy Days? Can you keep the weekly Sabbath while neglecting God’s annual Sabbaths? At the end of this program, we show you an important video, addressing these questions even further and offering you absolutely free literature.

Pentecost 2016–God’s Feast of the Firstfruits

Why do we celebrate Pentecost this year on June 12? What is the meaning of “Pentecost”? Why is it also called “Feast of Weeks” and “Feast of Firstfruits”? In light of Leviticus 23, when did the priest wave the sheaf of the firstfruits, and when did he wave the two loaves of leavened bread, which were also called firstfruits? What was the symbolic meaning of the sheaf and the two breads? Is Jesus the first who was resurrected from death to eternal life? Are there only few people today who are being called into the truth? Are they called firstfruits? Do they have to be predestined by God to be called in this day and age? In light of God’s Spirit of power, is there a guarantee that called Christians will inherit salvation?

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What Is the Mark of the Beast?

In this second installment of our three-part series on biblical prophecy, we will show that the Bible and history reveal the identity of the famous mark of the beast. This mark is associated with the beast in Revelation 13:1-10, which is a political and military power. It collaborates with a religious power, which is described as a second beast in Revelation 13:11, having two horns like a lamb and speaking like a dragon. In what way will this religious power create an image, which will cause all to receive the mark of the beast? Why will no one be able to buy or sell who does not have the mark of the beast? What is the difference between the mark of the beast and the sign of God, which identifies true Christians?

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New Year’s Celebrations in Honor of Pagan Gods?

Pagans observed New Year’s on January 1 to honor their god Janus and the deified Julius Caesar. Christianity adopted the pagan celebrations in honor of Christ and “Saint Sylvester.” Many pagan rites and superstitions are clearly present in today’s observances. And January 1 has been reserved historically for persecutions of Jews and Sabbath-keeping Christians. So, should we keep New Year’s Day?

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Pope Francis’ Fight with the Vatican

It has been almost a recent routine by the Vatican to ignore, dispute or “clarify” something that Pope Francis has (allegedly) said. This includes statements about communism, homosexuality, divorce and remarriage, and whether animals go to heaven when they die. Pope Francis is also involving himself more and more in political affairs, such as the relationship between the USA and Cuba. His popularity is enormous, especially in Europe, due to his charming appearance. His most recent strong attack against the Curia has been described as “without historic precedent” and “one last warning before a direct confrontation.” A spokesman for the Vatican has also referred to him as a “prophet.” What can we expect to occur in the future? We offer two free booklets, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?” and “Man’s Holidays or God’s Holy Days?”

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