It’s the Truth

In our world—this year, this month, this week, this day, right now—TRUTH has fallen, it has failed! This must not happen for Christians!

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How They Want to Suppress God’s Truth!

In this program, another example is given as to how Satan, through his human agents, is trying to suppress the truth of God, including the preaching of the true gospel of the kingdom of God and the announcement of end-time prophecies, as clearly revealed in the Bible. But woe unto those who have been entrusted with this important task, if they compromise in order to appease those who persecute them. Also, this program gives you important information regarding the days and times of an upcoming three-part Live Sermon Series event on the Book of Revelation, covering topics such as the number of the beast, the mark of the beast, and the fallen woman riding the beast.

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Anger Management

Psychologists misunderstand the nature of anger and give oftentimes wrong advice as to how to deal with it. What does the Bible say about the causes of anger and wrath? Does God tell us very clearly how we are not to deal with anger; and how we can solve this devastating problem which could destroy us and others?

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