How can we be sure that we will be in the Kingdom of God and rule with and under Christ? How could God be so sure that David or Abraham would make it into the Kingdom? Why was God totally convinced and knew that Christ would never sin, when He was here on earth as a human being? How does God know what will happen in the future? And why should we look forward to our rule over others in the Kingdom? What are some of God’s promises for us and others?
Will Horrific Mass Shootings Ever Stop?
Another terrible school shooting, this time in Florida, begs the question as to whether politicians will finally be willing to do something about those senseless murders. The statistics of gun violence in the USA is alarming and abominable. But what can be done to prevent further atrocities to occur? Many “solutions” are proposed, but even though some may help to some extent, none does address the underlying problem and none will bring a lasting substantive solution. However, there is a way, but for now, it is being rejected. And so, we are going to hear of more and more murders by mentally disturbed and demon-possessed perpetrators.
Download AudioGoal of Perfection
To achieve perfection, we must be prepared at all times by doing what God specifically tells us to do. To help us better strive for that perfection, we must have hope, faith, and love towards each other and God’s law. Having the right attitude and the right goal will ultimately bring us closer to perfection.
Why Do We Keep the Feast?
God commands us to keep the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day for an entire time span of eight days. But why? What is the purpose for this commandment?