Biden’s State of the Union Speech—God Help Us!

In discussing the State of the Union Address by President Biden on March 1, an editorial by the New York Post hit the nail on the head, concluding, “It was an unserious speech for deadly serious times. Lord help us.”

This program discusses some of the most controversial statements by President Biden in his speech and shows why the downfall of the USA is inevitable. Indeed, may God have mercy on all of us.

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Satan’s Anger and the Fall of America and the UK

The leadership of America and the UK is being severely attacked by the German media. Bild asked President Obama to “pack his bags and leave.” Die Zeit wrote that Premier “Cameron’s panic damages Europe.” The US strategy in Iraq and Syria against ISIS is widely questioned, if not condemned. All of this points to the rapid downfall of America and Britain, as prophesied in the Bible. But many do not like to hear this warning and are trying to suppress the truth. Satan is indeed very angry, as he knows that he has just a very short time left. We are offering two free booklets on this program.

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