The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse-Part 2

What do the last three horsemen of the Apocalypse symbolize? Should true Christians fight in war? Did we realize that there were no Christian soldiers in the early Christian church? What has been the teaching of the true Church of God on this subject throughout its existence?

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Why No Peace on Earth?

When the angels announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds, did they also promise peace on earth for all men? If so, why haven’t we experienced peace since then? How do we explain the paradox that nearly all really great religious and political leaders have acknowledged the utter futility of war, while war is ongoing? Did early Christians fight in war? What did Christ teach us? Is the concept of righteous war in accordance with the Bible? Will we ever experience peace on earth?

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Destruction of US Democracy?

Why are some observers warning about proposed new US laws, including NDAA and SOPA? Would these laws destroy our democratic republic? Are they placing YOU at risk? Are they unconstitutional? Could they be used to persecute the true followers of Christ? Don’t dismiss these valid concerns too quickly! This video will open your eyes! Watch and circulate it before it disappears!

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How To Look At God’s Laws – Part 2

Many wonder how to apply God’s laws today. What about the Ten Commandments, the annual Holy Days, sacrifices and washings, laws of national warfare, marriage to the sister-in-law after the brother’s death, certain penalties for wrongdoing, wearing tassels, touching dead bodies, circumcision, cross-dressing, wearing garments of different sorts, or sowing different kinds of seed? How can we know the answer?

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How It Will Be in the Millennium

The book of Isaiah tells us quite a bit about the conditions in the Millennium. In this sermon, we will discover what Isaiah was inspired to write pertaining to a future time about which most people have no understanding.

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Holy Putin?

A strange title, but why? Do Russians really think Putin is a saint and worthy of worship? What is Vladimir Putin up to? What is behind his announcement to create a Eurasian Union in 2012? What about the increasing military cooperation between China and Russia? How will Europe react? What does the Bible say about all of this?

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The Feast of Trumpets in Isaiah

We will explore today what the book of Isaiah tells us about the conditions of the modern houses of Israel and Judah just before and at the time of Christ’s return, and what the Church’s responsibility is in light of that understanding.

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USA and Israel in Isolation

The international media speaks of the decline of the USA as a superpower, stating that it is demoralized, deeply divided, and at war with itself. It is also claimed that the USA has fought the wrong wars and that it has become estranged from the rest of the world, unable to fulfill its historical mission of shaping the world. At the same time, the state of Israel is isolated in facing Iran, Turkey and Egypt, and President Abbas’ anticipated application to the UN Security Council for a Palestinian state, which is expected to be vetoed by the USA, will create further problems in the Middle East. Why is all of this happening?

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Judge Not That You Be Not Judged

Do our actions reflect the way we should live, by being good examples?  We are constantly being judged by others and especially God to see if we live a righteous life.  At the same time we shouldn’t judge others, but first consider that what we are doing is right.

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USA–A Nation Without Understanding

When we raised the debt ceiling to an unprecedented amount, we only pushed off the day of reckoning. We have become a laughing stock and an embarrassment to the rest of the world. The Bible strongly condemns what we are doing, and it also shows us why we are a nation void of right counsel.

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