Today’s Sodom

Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Many do not know the real reasons. And how does God’s punishment relate to us today—and especially to those who do know the truth of the Bible?

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America Is Politically Bankrupt

The temporary shutdown of the American government is strongly condemned by the worldwide community. Many feel that America cannot be saved; that America’s democracy is falling; and that America is politically bankrupt. Sadly, the Bible agrees with this assessment. The ill-conceived Obamacare or “Affordable” Care Act and its terrible “implementation” is only one symptom, exemplifying the fact that promises of politicians cannot be relied on. It is high time that God the
Father sends His Son Jesus Christ to our earth to make an end to man’s mismanagement and to restore the Kingdom of God and establish righteous rule on this planet.

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Why Christ Will Return!

In this sermon, we are showing you many reasons why Christ will come back very soon. The biblical Feast of Trumpets symbolizes His return and the accompanying circumstances and conditions. Without Christ’s second coming, mankind would have no future, and even converted Christians would be lost.

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Alaska in Bible Prophecy

Does the Bible say something about the past and future of Alaska? How, when and why did Alaska become a member of the Union? Why is Alaska so blessed with natural resources, and why has it been plagued with natural and man-made disasters? What is in store for Alaska?

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Prism Spying and its Consequences

Could the controversial worldwide Prism spy activities of the US government contribute to a military confrontation between America and Europe, and could this have any relevance for the return of Jesus Christ in the not-too-distant future? Before you shake your head in unbelief, listen to this program.

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What You MUST Know About European Unification

The Bible says that after the fall of Rome, the ancient Roman Empire would be revived ten times in Europe. Nine revivals have come and gone, and the last one is happening right now. This proves that Jesus Christ’s return is near. But what are the astonishing current facts about the unification of Europe, and what is still going to happen? You cannot afford to be without this knowledge!

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Slavery in the Bible

Why was there slavery in the Old Testament? Why didn’t the early apostles condemn slavery? Will there be slavery in God’s Kingdom and the Millennium? How should Christians view the concept of slavery today?

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The Inevitable

The future for the world is heading towards a terrible time, as predicted in the book of Isaiah.  Through man’s selfish desires, they look to their own resources – through warfare, idol worship and pagan beliefs, instead of looking to God and keeping His commandments.  There is hope however and God tells us how  we can be saved, and inherit everlasting life.

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The Ten Commandments and the Model Prayer

Is there any relationship between the Ten Commandments and the Model Prayer in Matthew 6? Some parallels are obvious, such as, “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain” and “Hallowed be thy name,” but in other cases, the connection may be less clear at first sight. However, this sermon shows how the different phrases in the “Lord’s Prayer” complement each and every one of the Ten Commandments.

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A World Without School Shootings and Gun Violence How

After the horrific mass murder of schoolchildren and adults on Connecticut, the issue of gun control was raised again. Many countries condemn America for its gun culture in a most hypocritical fashion. Pastor Joel Olsteen refused to take a position on the matter, as he felt it was a political issue that divides people. However, the question pertains to the very core of true Christianity. Will we ever experience peace on this planet? The answer is, Yes, indeed, but not in the way that most people think or expect.

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