Does the Vatican Question the Return of Christ?

A spokesperson for the Vatican, Cardinal Giorgio Salvadore, allegedly announced that the coming of Christ may not happen. The Cardinal reportedly said that Jesus may have been drinking when he uttered the statements of His return, and that people make promises they can’t keep when they’re drunk. Other religious teachers postulate as well that Jesus will not return, or that He has already returned. Why does the Bible condemn these views as deceitful, blasphemous and ungodly?

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What Putin’s Russia Will Do Next!

Vladimir Putin has placed the world on notice as to what he wants to do, but are we listening? The occupation of Crimea is just the beginning. Putin will continue to invade other countries, stating that Kiev is the mother of all Russian cities, and that Russia will always “stand up for the rights of Russians in other countries,” where Russians are being “abused.” Some observers view Putin’s conduct and ambitions as “extremely dangerous for Europe,” and several most likely unpleasant consequences of the Crimea invasion are being discussed, including some “unforeseen” new “constellations.” What does the Bible say about all of this?

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Spying in Satan’s World

America’s habitual spying activities on friends and allies have caused an unprecedented worldwide uproar. Especially Europeans are in arms. The blame game is continuing, misrepresentations and hypocrisy prevail, and the Germans have lost confidence in President Obama, who is perceived as having lied or being hopelessly ignorant in the matter, while some American politicians are defending NSA’s conduct. In this world, spying activities and falsehoods are one of Satan’s major devices. The Bible shows that just prior to Christ’s return, a war between Europe and the USA will break out, and wars start with words. We are in the preliminary stages of this development, leading to the Great Tribulation.

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The End of Europe – Part 2

As God will end the rule of the physical powers of this world, including the last resurrection of the Roman Empire in Europe and the Babylonian system, so He will also deal with the responsible evil spiritual powers which are working behind the scene. Satan and his demons will be imprisoned in the bottomless pit, also called the abyss, so that they cannot deceive the world anymore during the Millennium. But where will this prison be, and what is it, exactly? And what is the relationship between the abyss and Europe?

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The End of Europe – Part 1

In a decisive battle after Christ’s return, the armies of this world, including the European beast power, will be defeated in the Kidron Valley or the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There will be no battle of Armageddon. The saints, as immortal and born again members of the Kingdom of God, will reign with and under Christ over the earth—but they will rule on the earth, and not in or from heaven.

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The Seventh Trumpet

When the seventh or last trumpet sounds, historic events will take place. Seven angels will pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath; Jesus Christ will return; and the saints will be resurrected and changed to immortality. Will a battle take place at Armageddon? What will happen to the beast and the false prophet and all those who will fight against Jesus Christ? Why are they going to oppose the Son of God in the first place? Will Christ come twice, as some claim? Will the saints ascend with Christ to the third heaven and return with Him later to this earth?

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