Update 380


Where Is Our Treasure?


“In 1947, young Bedouin shepherds, searching for a stray goat in the Judean Desert, entered a long-untouched cave and found jars filled with ancient scrolls.”

What they found were the now-famous Dead Sea Scrolls.

When reading the introduction above on a Library of Congress Website, the phrase “long-untouched” caught my attention. “How long?” I wondered. The answer, according to the Library of Congress Website, is “about two thousand years.”

The Website continues: “About two thousand years elapsed between the time the scrolls were deposited in the caves of the barren hills surrounding the Dead Sea and their discovery in 1947. The fact that they survived for twenty centuries, that they were found accidentally by Bedouin shepherds, that they are the largest and oldest body of manuscripts relating to the Bible and to the time of Jesus of Nazareth make them a truly remarkable archaeological find.”

Truly remarkable.

There are two other truly remarkable things about the Dead Sea Scrolls.

First, the copy of the book of Isaiah found in the cave is virtually identical to the texts on which our modern Bible is based. Since this “Isaiah Scroll” is almost 1,000 years older than any previously known manuscript, the discovery qualifies as “truly remarkable.” It’s fitting that Isaiah 40:8 reads: “The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.” We can have confidence that God has preserved His Word for us.

The second remarkable thing is that, according to the American scholar who photographed the Scrolls in 1948 and interviewed the shepherds who found them, they weren’t searching for a stray goat but for “hidden treasure… especially gold.” What the shepherds found disappointed them, as their behavior showed. On several occasions they unrolled the largest of the scrolls, likely destroying the cover and other fragments. For about a month the Scrolls hung in a bag in their tent until, through various intermediaries, the shepherds sold the Scrolls for $97.20.  They had one of the greatest archeological discoveries in the history of the world, and they sold it for less than $100.

What can we learn from this?

Treasure is in the eye of the beholder. The ancient Bible texts certainly weren’t “treasure” to the shepherds. Is the Bible treasure to us?

Chances are good that in our home—perhaps in a bag we carried from services or on a shelf—is the storehouse of spiritual treasure: God’s Word…God’s Truth… the Bible. The Bible virtually spills over with instructions, admonitions—even pleadings—urging us to read, to study, to meditate on God’s Word frequently. God left absolutely no doubt that He wants us to study His Word. He left no doubt that those He is working with are to make His Word a central part of their lives. He gives us these instructions:

“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8).

While these are ancient texts, they were preserved for us, as Romans 15:4 says: “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.”

Indeed, the Bible is a treasure chest of learning, of comfort and of hope. There is nothing we go through that Bible study cannot help us handle better.

Do we want to be wise and make good decisions? Then we need to read the Bible! Psalm 119:98-99 tells us: “You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies; For they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers, For Your testimonies are my meditation.”

Do we want joy in our lives? Then we need to read the Bible! Psalm 19:8 states: “The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.”

Do we need encouragement in times of trial? Then we need to read the Bible! Matthew 11:29-30 says: “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Do we want to live forever? Then we need to read the Bible! 2 Timothy 3:15 speaks of “the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

Will reading the Bible instantly solve all of our problems and guarantee us eternal life? Of course not! If we want to inherit the blessings the Bible speaks of we have to do the things it says, not just hear them (James 1:22; John 13:17; Luke 11:28 ). In the parable of the sower Jesus compares the Word of God to seed (Luke 8:11). That seed can grow into a harvest only when combined with the right attitude and actions (Luke 8:15; Romans 2:7).

The Bible texts the shepherds found were “long un-touched.” How “long-untouched” do we let our Bible text go during the week? How long-untouched should they go?

Someone once observed that the person who won’t read is no better off than the person who can’t read. God has blessed us with the ability to read the Bible. God has blessed us with the freedom to read the Bible. He even promised to help us understand the Bible. The only thing we have to provide is the willingness to do it.

And why wouldn’t we be willing, since the Bible is a truly remarkable treasure.

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The war between Israel and Iran, including their proxies Hamas and Hezbollah, is far from over. With upcoming Israeli elections on February 10, we can expect another volatile and violent week. Concerns regarding President Obama’s politics in the Middle East are growing in Israel–which begins to feel betrayed by the USA and sees itself all alone in its fight against Iran. The call for European troops in the Middle East is becoming louder!

Germany’s Angela Merkel is adopting a wait-and-see attitude, refusing to join the crowd of pro-Obama enthusiasts. One country which not too many had anticipated–the violent nation of Mexico–seems to become a real security risk to the world and therefore a challenge to Mr. Obama.

President Obama’s $900 billion stimulus package is facing strong resistance in the Senate, but hope is expressed that a compromised version will be adopted before Presidents’ Day (February 16). President Obama has expressed his feeling that if the stimulus package is not adopted, this country will be facing a “catastrophe, from which we may never recover.”

But does it even have a chance of “working”? Der Spiegel Online expressed serious doubts this week, stating: “The United States is experiencing its worst crisis in decades. Obama is trying to fight it by preparing one gigantic economic stimulus program after the other. But the hangover is inevitable, and if the desired economic miracle doesn’t materialize, it will be a massive one.”

Some controversial U.S. laws were enacted this week, including a bill for a kids’ health care program (which had been vetoed twice before by President Bush), “despite the embarrassing withdrawal of [President Obama’s] nominee (Tom Daschle) to lead the initiative” (Welt-On-Line, February 5), and a bill to delay digital TV transition for four months.

In addition, it was decreed that in the future, CEOs of troubled banks, which seek bailout money from the government, cannot earn more than $500,000 a year–but they still can get stock from their banks. This new directive is not retroactive, which means that it does not cover executives of those banks which have already received taxpayers’ money from the government. The question has been asked, Why do we even reward CEOs who were responsible for running their banks into the ground with taxpayers’ money in the first place?

President Obama’s approval rate in the USA has dramatically decreased by about 20%. He admitted in a television interview with CNN this week that he did not realize the severity of the economic crisis, and that financial experts did not foresee it either. He said, verbatim: “What’s alarming right now is how fast the economy is deteriorating.” But there WERE voices which warned over six months ago that our economy would deteriorate with lightning speed. However, these voices were apparently ignored!

California is broke and in the worst economic condition of all U.S. states. In spite of promises to the contrary, Governor Schwarzenegger has proven unable to improve California’s economy. This shows again how idle and useless the promises are which we hear from political leaders–especially BEFORE their elections. Our new member letter by Brian Gale addresses this question in much more detail.

The war of words directed against the Pope’s controversial appointments of bishops and priests escalated this week, including criticism from Catholic and Jewish leaders alike. Der Spiegel Online wrote that “the Pope lost his magic.” But has he, really? According to the magazine, the “Vatican is horrified by the discussion in Germany. The impression there is that all of the anti-Catholic resentments hiding under the surface in Germany are now coming to the surface.”

But the Pope received some unexpected support. Bild Online reported on February 5 that the President of the Bundestag Norbert Lammert (CDU) defended the Pope, stating, “‘A lot that is being insinuated about the Pope is almost malicious; in no way fair.’ Lammert also slammed Chancellor Merkel’s demand for a clarification from the Pope: ‘I find the doubts about the Catholic Church and the Pope on this matter ill-founded.'”

It must be admitted, perhaps, that the outrage, especially in Germany, is a bit hypocritical–given the fact that most Germans are not as sympathetic towards the Jews–or the Moslems–as their political leaders or the “politically correct” main-stream press would like to portray it.

And while the Catholic Church is facing some dire challenges, one of the last remaining multi-million dollar empires of another TV Evangelist in the USA has begun to crumble.

An interesting report was filed this week, strongly suggesting that the scientific “creation” of human-animal hybrids may be impossible, and another article shows that insects have been used quite often in man’s wars–and might very well be used again by terrorists in the not-too-distant future.

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“Hamas Leader Praises Iran’s Help”

CNN reported on February 1:

“Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal on Sunday praised Iran for helping Hamas achieve ‘victory’ over Israel in Gaza… ‘The victory of the people of Gaza was a miracle of God and the Islamic Republic definitely has a share in this victory,’ Meshaal said after meeting with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei…

“Khamenei congratulated Meshaal, saying, ‘The people of Gaza and the Islamic Resistance made us all proud and with their patience and perseverance successfully passed this very difficult test.’ The Iranian leader stressed that the war in Gaza has not yet ended, noting that ‘the Islamic Resistance must, with full alertness and in proper ways, prepare itself fully for the possibility of the beginning of another war…’ Iran has supported Hamas during and since the 22-day Israeli military operation.”

Israel’s Gaza War “Preintroduction” to Tackle Nuclear Iran

The Australian wrote on January 31:

“Israel’s ambassador to Australia [Yuval Rotem] has described his country’s military offensives in Gaza as a ‘preintroduction’ to tackling the military threat posed by a nuclear-equipped Iran… Mr Rotem told those gathered he expected Iran to stockpile enough uranium over the next 14 months to ‘be at the point of no return.'”

Olmert Threatens Gaza with Disproportionate Response

Deutsche Welle reported on February 2:

“Israeli aircraft have again bombed Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip in spite of the de facto truce in place since Jan. 18, which ended Israel’s 22-day offensive in the coastal enclave. Sporadic rockets attacks from Hamas have continued since the ceasefire with ten such attacks occurring in the last 24 hours prompting Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, to threaten Gaza with a ‘disproportionate response’…”

Welt on Line reported on February 2:

“Defence Minister Ehud Barak said on Monday that Israel does not intend to launch another broad operation in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip… His comments clashed with statements on Sunday by Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni who said that, if necessary, Israel would mount a new offensive in the Gaza Strip to choke off cross-border rocket fire. Both Barak, head of the centre-left Labour Party, and Livni, chairman of the ruling, centrist Kadima party, are candidates for prime minister in Israel’s Feb. 10 election. Opinion polls forecast victory for right-winger Benjamin Netanyahu of Likud.”

Netanyahu Would Do “Everything Necessary” To Prevent Iran Getting Nuclear

The Associated Press reported on February 1:

“Benjamin Netanyahu… said Saturday that Iran ‘will not be armed with a nuclear weapon.’… Netanyahu said if elected prime minister his first mission will be to thwart the Iranian nuclear threat. Netanyahu… called Iran the greatest danger to Israel and to all humanity. When asked if stopping Iran’s nuclear ambitions included a military strike, he replied: ‘It includes everything that is necessary to make this statement come true.'”

Israel Threatens Lebanon

Reuters wrote on February 3:

“During a tour of the northern border on Tuesday, [Israel’s Defense Minister Ehud] Barak addressed concerns that Syria was looking to transfer anti-aircraft missiles to the Lebanon-based militants group [Hezbollah], vowing that Israel would respond to such an illicit deal.

“Bracing for reprisals a year after the assassination of Hezbollah’s military mastermind, Israel said on Tuesday it would hold Lebanon responsible for any such attacks by the guerrilla group…

“The Counter-Terrorism Bureau issued a severe travel warning on Sunday for Israelis abroad… The bureau said it was on high alert due to concrete intelligence that Hezbollah is in advanced stages of preparing an attack against Israelis abroad… Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah… said Hezbollah’s revenge was ‘yet ahead.'”

Due To Mr. Obama’s Position–Israel All Alone Against Iran

The Jerusalem Post wrote on January 29:

“In his first week and a half in office, US President Barack Obama has proven that he is a man of his word. For instance, he was not bluffing when he said during his campaign that he would make reconstituting America’s relations with the Islamic world one of his first priorities in office. Obama’s first phone call to a foreign leader was to PLO chieftain Mahmoud Abbas last Wednesday morning. And this past Tuesday, Obama gave his first television interview as president to the Al-Arabiya pan-Arabic television network.

“… the most significant campaign promise that Obama is wasting no time in keeping is his attempt to diplomatically engage with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Teheran is the central sponsor of the global jihad. Hizbullah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are all Iranian proxies. And, as is becoming increasingly undeniable, al-Qaida too enjoys a close relationship with the mullahs…

“Beyond its sponsorship of terrorism, due to its nuclear weapons program Iran is the largest emerging threat to global security. Together with its genocidal rhetoric against Israel, its calls for the destruction of the US, and its incitement for the overthrow of the governments of Egypt and Jordan, among others, Iran is the single largest source of instability in the region. Moreover, as US Defense Secretary Robert Gates made clear in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday, Iran is working actively in South and Central America to destabilize the western hemisphere.

“Obama caused an uproar when during a Democratic primary debate last spring he said that he would meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without preconditions. In subsequent months, he sought to soften his declaration. It is now apparent that his statement was not a slip of the tongue. It was a pledge…

“On November 6, two days after the US election, Ahmadinejad sent a congratulatory letter to Obama… In general, Iran’s government-controlled media outlets reported that Ahmadinejad’s letter was an ultimatum and that if Obama did not submit to his demands, the US would be destroyed… To summarize, Iran’s conditions for meeting with the Obama administration are that the US abandon Israel (which as Ahmadinejad reiterated at his annual Holocaust denial conference on Tuesday, must be annihilated), and that Obama take no action whatsoever against Iran’s nuclear program…

“If in fact Obama truly intends to move ahead with his plan to engage the mullahs, then he will effectively legitimize – if not adopt – Teheran’s preconditions that the US end its alliance with Israel, which Iran seeks to destroy, and accept a nuclear-armed Iran… Israel is alone in recognizing the necessity of preventing Iran from acquiring the means to destroy the Jewish state. Consequently, [Israel’s new] government will need to proceed with all deliberate speed to take whatever actions are necessary to prevent Israel’s destruction.”

Mr. Obama Already in Negotiations With Iran

AFP reported on January 31:

“US President Barack Obama has already used experts within the last few months to hold high-level but discreet talks with both Iran and Syria… Former defense secretary William Perry, who served in Obama’s election campaign, participated in some of these meetings…”

Germany “Concerned” Over Iran’s Satellite

Deutsche Welle reported on February 3:

“German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier has expressed concern about the launch of Iran’s first domestically built satellite… Steinmeier said that Germany and the permanent members of the UN Security Council would now have to intensify their efforts to dissuade Tehran from developing a nuclear weapons programme… the long-range ballistic technology used to put satellites into orbit can also be used for launching weapons, although Iran says it has no plans to do so…”

“Berlin Split Over How to Deal with New US Administration”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on February 2:

“US President Barack Obama is driving a wedge between the parties in Germany’s grand coalition government. Angela Merkel is keeping her distance while Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is making overtures to the new president — and ruffling feathers in the process… [Germany is divided] between Merkel’s Germany and Steinmeier’s Germany. And when it comes to their relationship with the new America, these two Germanys could not be more different.

“Chancellor Angela Merkel takes a reserved view of Obama, waiting to see what his administration’s policies will look like. There is not even a trace of enthusiasm for the man on whom the world’s hopes are now pinned. Merkel is not prepared to quickly accommodate the Americans on the first concrete issue for trans-Atlantic relations, namely the acceptance of detainees from Guantanamo.

“Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on the other hand, is the president of Germany’s Obama fan club. His enthusiasm knows no bounds. Steinmeier indicated right away that Germany would accept detainees from Guantanamo. And so Obama has a problem: figuring out which Germany he will be dealing with…

“The new chapter in German-American relations has gotten off to a bumpy start… Germany is still a puzzle for the new US administration. Which party in Germany’s grand coalition government… will call the shots in this election year, and what direction will they take?…

“The curiosity is mutual. The Germans want to know what the United States intends to do in the world’s crisis regions, such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq. They are also curious to see how America intends to combat the recession. There are growing fears that the country will isolate itself and protect its economy while discouraging imports. This would be a serious blow for Germany, the world’s largest exporter…”

Regarding the thorny issue of Guantanamo prisoners, the magazine explained:

“There is now a list of 57 names of Guantanamo prisoners that the Americans have scheduled for release and who are not considered high-ranking terrorists. It is a list of 57 problems…

“It includes such illustrious cases as that of Tunisian national Abdul Bin Mohammed Ourgy, who the Americans say is a member of al-Qaida… Another man on the list is Rafiq Bin Bashir al-Hami [who] is believed to have… attended a terrorist training camp… in Afghanistan…

“Two Uzbeks, who are believed to be members of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) and were captured during fighting in Afghanistan in late 2001, are also on the US list. In a video released at the beginning of this year, the IMU threatened Germany and sought to recruit volunteers for jihad…”

The EU Threatens the USA

The Times wrote on February 4:

“The European Union warned the US yesterday against plunging the world into depression by adopting a planned ‘Buy American’ policy, intensifying fears of a trade war. The EU threatened to retaliate if the US Congress went ahead with sweeping measures in its $800 billion (£554 billion) stimulus plan to restrict spending to American goods and services.

“Gordon Brown was caught in the crossfire as John Bruton, the EU Ambassador to Washington, said that ‘history has shown us’ where the closing of markets leads — a clear reference to the Depression of the 1930s, triggered by US protectionist laws. Last night Mr Obama gave a strong signal that he would remove the most provocative passages from the Bill.”

Germany to Station Troops in France for Joint Mission

Deutsche Welle reported on February 3:

“France has agreed to allow a German battalion to be stationed in eastern France for the first time since World War II… Anywhere between 450 and 800 German soldiers will likely be stationed near the northeastern French city of Strasbourg… Such a move would have been unimaginable in the past, with animosity stemming from the 1870 Franco-German conflict and two world wars. Times have changed. Germany and France have found themselves at the forefront of pushing for a joint European defense strategy…

“The countries already have a 5,000-member bi-national brigade, which has served in Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan since it was founded 20 years ago.”

“Europe Must Send Troops to the Middle East!”

Deutsche Welle reported on February 4:

“Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas made his request for armed support while addressing the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday, Feb. 4. ‘The time has come for the international community to bear its legal, political and moral responsibilities and provide … adequate international protection,’ Abbas said. ‘I would like to stress again our request to send international forces in order to protect our people.'”

Insects as Weapons of War?

Times on Line wrote on February 2:

“Insects are one of the cheapest and most destructive weapons available to terrorists today, and one of the most widely ignored: they are easy to sneak across borders, reproduce quickly and can spread disease and destroy crops with devastating speed… few people have an inkling of how insects can – and have – been used to inflict human suffering and economic destruction…

“In the 14th century, 75 million people succumbed to flea-borne bubonic plague. But few people realise that the Black Death arrived in Europe after the Mongols catapulted flea-ridden corpses into the port of Kaffa. People fled, carrying bacteria, rats and fleas throughout the Mediterranean. And it was lice, not enemy armies, that nearly broke the back of the Soviet Union when typhus made 30 million people ill and killed 5 million after the First World War.

“Military strategists have seen the potential for warfare in all this. In the Second World War, the French and Germans pursued the mass production and dispersal of Colorado beetles to destroy enemy food supplies, and the Japanese military killed more than 400,000 Chinese by dropping plague-infected fleas and cholera-coated flies.

“During the Cold War, the US military planned to produce 100 million yellow fever-infected mosquitoes a month, and produced an ‘entomological warfare target analysis’ of vulnerable sites in the Soviet Union and its allies’ territories. The dispersal and biting capacity of (uninfected) mosquitoes was tested by secretly dropping them over US cities…”

The ideas that terrorists will use insects in their wars are not far-fetched. According to the Bible, God used hornets to fight against Israel’s enemies (Joshua 24:12).

Mexico–One of the World’s Biggest Security Risks

The Washington Times wrote on January 22:

“Indiscriminate kidnappings. Nearly daily beheadings. Gangs that mock and kill government agents. This isn’t Iraq or Pakistan. It’s Mexico, which the U.S. government and a growing number of experts say is becoming one of the world’s biggest security risks. The prospect that America’s southern neighbor could melt into lawlessness provides an unexpected challenge to President Obama’s government.

“In its latest report anticipating possible global security risks, the U.S. Joint Forces Command lumps Mexico and Pakistan together as being at risk of a ‘rapid and sudden collapse.’… The Justice Department said last month that Mexican gangs are the ‘biggest organized crime threat to the United States.’ 

“Mexico – Latin America’s second-biggest economy and the United States’ third-biggest oil supplier – is one of the top 10 global risks for 2009… Businesses have closed because they can’t afford to pay monthly extortion fees to local thugs. The rich have fled to the U.S. to avoid one of the world’s highest kidnapping rates. Many won’t leave their homes at night.”

Schuller’s Televangelism Empire in Chaos

USA Today wrote February 1:

“Once one of the nation’s most popular televangelists… Robert H. Schuller is watching his life’s work crumble. His son and recent successor… Robert A. Schuller, has abruptly resigned as senior pastor of the Crystal Cathedral… The church is in financial turmoil: It plans to sell more than $65 million worth of its Orange County property to pay off debt. Revenue dropped by nearly $5 million last year…

“The Crystal Cathedral blames the recession for its woes. But it’s clear that the elder Schuller’s carefully orchestrated leadership transition… has stumbled badly. It’s a problem common to personality driven ministries. Most have collapsed or been greatly diminished after their founders left the pulpit or died. Members often tie their donations to the pastor, not the institution…

“Church-based televangelism led by powerful personalities filled TV in the 1980s, but now only a handful of shows remain… Among the struggling ministries are those of Oral Roberts and the late D. James Kennedy…”

Stir Within the Catholic Church

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 1:

“A second German Catholic bishop Saturday raised unusual criticism of German Pope Benedict XVI for rehabilitating Holocaust denier Bishop Williamson… Bishop Gebhard Fuerst of Rottenburg-Stuttgart… charged that Benedict’s rehabilitation of Williamson had led to ‘external and internal alienation from the church on the part of many believers, to a betrayal of trust especially among Jewish sisters and brothers in their relationship to the church, and to a considerable disturbance in the Christian-Jewish dialogue.’…

“In related developments on Saturday, Israel’s minister for religious affairs threatened to suspend relationships with the Vatican… The timing of Benedict’s pardon is considered particularly insensitive, as the announcement came just days before Holocaust Memorial Day on January 27…

“Catholic priests in Austria on Sunday criticized the Vatican for naming an ultraconservative priest as auxiliary bishop in Linz on Saturday without having consulted the local church… [He] suggested in 2005 that Hurricane Katrina was God’s punishment, as it destroyed five abortion clinics as well as nightclubs in New Orleans… A significant portion of Austrian Catholics see themselves as more liberal than the Vatican, opposing Rome’s views on abortion, homosexuality or the ban on married priests.”

Der Spiegel Online added on February 2:

“One controversy is apparently not enough for the Catholic Church… Another week, another public relations disaster for the Catholic Church. While the furor continues swirling around the pope’s decision to reinstate an ultra-conservative bishop who denies the Holocaust, the Vatican has once again raised hackles by promoting a controversial pastor to be a bishop in Austria… The priest has a knack for inappropriate comments, writing back in 2005 in a parish newsletter that Hurricane Katrina was an act of ‘divine retribution’ for New Orleans’ permissive ways. ‘This was not the sinking of any city but that of a people’s dream city with the “best brothels and prettiest prostitutes,”‘ he wrote.

“The same man warned children in 2001 against reading J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books because the tales of a boy wizard were ‘spreading Satanism.’ Then in 2004 Wagner said that it was no coincidence that the Tsunami disaster had occurred at Christmas, inferring that it was punishment for ‘rich Western tourists’ who had fled to ‘poor Thailand’…

“Liberal Catholics now fear that the pope is steering the church in an ultra-conservative direction and there is increasing concern about his leadership style. In a commentary for the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Catholic theologian Hans Küng said that the pope risked losing the trust of millions of Catholics across the world. Küng said that Pope Benedict XVI is obviously ‘so shielded and cut off from the real world, that he has no idea how disastrously his actions are received.'”

Der Spiegel Online added the following in a related article, dated February 3:

“The criticism of the Vatican’s decision has been particularly cutting in Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel entered into the fray on Tuesday… ‘If a decision of the Vatican gives rise to the impression that the Holocaust may be denied, this cannot be left to stand,’ Merkel said. ‘It’s a matter of affirming very clearly on the part of the pope and the Vatican, that there can be no denial here,’ she said, adding that in her view this had ‘not yet been made sufficiently clear.’

“Merkel, who is a Lutheran, added that she usually would not judge internal decisions made within… the church but that the current debate dealt with a fundamental issue.

“And even the pope’s strongest supporters have been left dismayed by the decision. Cardinal Karl Lehmann, who is a highly influential figure in Germany and serves as the bishop of Mainz, has described the pope’s decision to rehabilitate Williamson as ‘catastrophic’ and said that many people were very disappointed by Benedict XVI’s move… Lehmann said that there should be a clear apology ‘from a high position.'”

Has the Pope Lost His Magic?

Der Spiegel Online wrote on February 4:

“The scandal surrounding Bishop Williamson has brought the honeymoon between Germans and their pope to an abrupt end. The affair has done lasting damage to Benedict’s reputation and authority in his home country…

“Neither the Curia, nor the press office nor the pope has learned the lessons of the PR disaster of Regensburg in 2006, when Benedict deeply offended the Muslim world… A degree of alienation and mistrust will remain between the German Catholics and their pope. People will take a closer look at his comments, question them more critically, behave more independently.

“The Vatican has called on Bishop Williamson to retract his Holocaust denial. He may do so and declare that he had taken another look at the history books and didn’t mean what he said about the Jews. It will change nothing. What could it change? Too many questions will remain unanswered. For example, why does the pope always hold out his hand of mercy in just one direction?…

“… the media covered ‘our pope’ with fondness, curiosity and empathy. That’s over… This scandal surrounding Bishop Williamson has robbed this pope of his magic. It’s a pity.”

But DID the scandal really rob “this pope of his magic”? The near future will show that it did NOT.

Human-Animal Clones Don’t Seem to Work…

Reuters reported on February 2:

“Researchers who tried to use mouse, cow and rabbit eggs to make human clones said on Monday the effort failed to produce workable embryos but added that they showed human cloning should work in principle…

“A mouse-human hybrid petered out after just one division. The cow and rabbit human hybrids went further, but stopped at the point when maternal DNA is supposed to kick in and turn the ball of cells into a proper embryo… It appears that using the egg of another species turns off the genes needed to make an embryo instead of turning them on… But the human-human clone did turn on the right genes, although it, too stopped dividing before it could produce stem cells…”

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Would you please explain the meaning of the coronation of the High Priest Joshua, as reported in Zechariah 6:9-15.

We mentioned in a prior Update, when discussing the vision of the High Priest Joshua in Zechariah 3:1-10, that Joshua is a type of Jesus Christ. This fact becomes even more obvious in the passage, which describes the coronation of Joshua.

Zechariah 6:9-15 reads:

“(9) Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: (10) ‘Receive the gift from the captives–from Heldai, Tobijah, and Jedaiah, who have come from Babylon–and go the same day and enter the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah. (11) Take the silver and gold, make elaborate crowns [according to the literal text, see margin of the New King James Bible], and set [them] on the head of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest. (12) Then speak to him, saying, “Thus says the LORD of hosts, saying: ‘Behold, the Man whose name is the BRANCH! From His place He shall branch out, and He shall build the temple of the LORD; (13) Yes, He shall build the temple of the LORD. He shall bear the glory, And shall sit and rule on His throne; So He shall be a priest on His throne, And the counsel of peace shall be between them both.'” (14) Now the elaborate crowns [not “crown,” see comment above] shall be for a memorial in the temple of the LORD for Helem, Tobijah, Jedaiah, and Hen the son of Zephaniah. (15) Even those from afar shall come and build IN [as it should say, compare the Authorized Version] the temple of the LORD. Then you shall know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you. And this shall come to pass if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God.”‘”

1) Symbolic Names

The passage, although describing a real event at the time of Joshua, nevertheless foreshadows a much more important event which will take place at the time of Christ’s return. The passage is filled with symbolic references to the end time.

For instance, even the names listed in verse 10 are of deep symbolic significance. As the Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary explains, Heldai means “robust” (or, according to Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible, “The Lord’s World”–which would refer to the Millennium, as today, this is NOT God’s world); Tobijah means, “the goodness of God”; and Jedaiah means, “God knows” (or, “God cares for,” according to Albert Barnes).

In addition, several commentaries point out that Heldai was also called Helem (in verse 14), and that Joshua (which means, “God founds” or “God supports”) was also called Hen (meaning “favor”), as the same person often had two names. Also, the meaning of “Zephaniah” (in verse 14) is, “The LORD hides.”


It is obvious that the reference to the “BRANCH” in verse 12 describes Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the God of the Old Testament. This shows that the entire passage is millennial.

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible states to verse 12: “‘Not for himself, but for Christ, whose name Joshua bare, and whose Priesthood and Princedom he represented,’ was the crown given him. The prophet had already foretold the Messiah, under the name of the Branch.”

The correct understanding of the identity of “the BRANCH” as the Messiah (compare Jeremiah 33:15)–and not as Zerubbabel, as the Broadman Bible Commentary erroneously concludes–has consequences for the correct understanding of the remainder of the entire passage.

3) The Building of the Temple

We are told in verse 12 that it is the BRANCH–Jesus Christ–who will build the temple. Verse 15 says that some from afar will come to build IN the temple.

Albert Barnes explains verse 15 in this way: “And build in – or upon, the temple of the Lord… Not ‘build it’ for it was to be built by ‘the Branch,’ but ‘build on,’ labor on, it. It was a building, which should continually be enlarged…”

We find a similar explanation in the Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary: “Christ ‘builds the temple’… His people ‘build in the temple.'”

a) The New Testament Church

Some commentaries understand the temple to refer to the New Testament Church, which Jesus Christ promised to build.

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible writes:

“The material temple was soon to be finished, and that by Zerubbabel, to whom this had been promised [Zechariah 4:10], not by Joshua. It was then a new temple, to be built from the foundation, of which He Himself was to be ‘the foundation’… as He said, ‘On this rock I will build My Church’… and in Him ‘all the building, fitly framed together, groweth unto an holy temple to the Lord’ [Ephesians 2:21].”

John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible concurs: “… and [He] shall build the temple of the Lord; not a material temple, but the spiritual temple, the Church…”

b) The Millennial Physical Temple

Others conclude that the reference to the temple to be built by the BRANCH refers also–or primarily–to a physical temple in the Millennium.

The Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary states:

“The promise of the future true building of the spiritual temple by Messiah… is an earnest to assure the Jews, that the material temple will be built by Joshua and Zerubbabel, in spite of all seeming obstacles. It also raises their thoughts beyond the material to the spiritual temple, and also to the future glorious temple, to be reared in Israel under Messiah’s superintendence… The repetition of the same clause [compare Zechariah 6:12 and 13] gives emphasis to the statement as to Messiah’s work.”

The Ryrie Study Bible adds: “The crowning of Joshua foreshadowed the crowning of Messiah, who at His second coming will build the (millennial) temple.”

The Nelson Study Bible agrees, stating:

“The Messiah Himself will build the temple of the Lord. Since the restoration temple (the second temple) was already being built and would be completed by Zerubbabel (see 4:9), the temple referred to here may be the future temple of the messianic kingdom… The temple of Zerubbabel was a prophetic symbol of the temple that is still to come…”

c) A Physical Temple Just Prior to Christ’s Return

It is also possible that the reference to a future temple, which will be built by the BRANCH, could relate to a physical temple still to be built in Jerusalem–just prior to the return of Christ. We know from Scripture that the Jews will bring sacrifices in Jerusalem. If there is a physical temple, then these sacrifices would be brought in that temple, until they are –temporarily–abolished by a European power.

As we discussed in our free booklet, “Is That in the Bible?–The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation!”, strong biblical evidence exists for the rebuilding of a temple in the modern Jewish nation of Israel.

It would also be possible that it is THAT temple which will survive the partial end-time destruction of the city of Jerusalem, which is described as the millennial temple in the book of Ezekiel.

4) Crowns on Joshua’s Head

We also read in verses 11 and 14 that crowns were placed on Joshua’s head. Even though the New King James Bible speaks of only one crown, the literal text says, “crowns,” but uses a SINGULAR, not a plural VERB, in relationship to the crowns, signifying unity and harmony.

John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible states:

“… both the crown of the priesthood and the crown of the kingdom should meet in [Joshua’s] antitype Christ, who is said to have on [His] head many crowns [Revelation 19:12]… The double crown is placed on Joshua’s head, symbolizing that the true priesthood and the kingdom shall be conferred on the one Messiah… It was a thing before unknown in the Levitical priesthood that the same person should wear at once the crown of a king and that of a high priest…”

The Nelson Study Bible adds: “… In the Messiah the two offices of king and priest will be united…”

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible emphasizes this important additional aspect in his comment to verse 13: “He shall be at once king and priest, as it is said, ‘Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedec.’ When the Christ should reign, He should not cease to be our Priest…”

5) Crowns for a Memorial

We should also take note of the fact that certain named individuals from Babylon brought gifts of silver and gold (verses 10 and 11) to be used for the construction of elaborate crowns for Joshua. These crowns were URGENTLY made “the same day” “for a memorial” (compare verse 14).

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible states in this context:

“They brought a passing gift, but it should be for a lasting memorial in their behalf… When Midian had been smitten before Israel, and not one of Israel had been slain, they brought all the gold which had accrued to them, and ‘Moses and Eleazar took the gold, and brought it into the tabernacle, a memorial for the children of Israel before the Lord’ [Numbers 31:50, 54]. So the angel said to Cornelius, ‘thy prayers and thy alms are come up for a memorial before God’ [Acts 10:4, 31].”

The Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary adds: “… a memorial — deposited in the temple, to the honor of the donors; a memorial, too, of the coronation of Joshua, to remind all of Messiah, the promised antitypical king-priest, soon to come.”

Our work for God is never in vain (Revelation 14:13)–even though it might sometimes seem to us that way (compare Isaiah 49:4). God does remember our hard labor and diligent service (Malachi 3:16-18). They are in God’s memory–a memorial! He will not forget that we are “doers of the work” (James 1:25), and that through our work, we accelerate and HASTEN the coming of the LORD (2 Peter 3:12).

6) “Counsel of Peace Between Them Both”

We also read in verse 13 that Christ shall be a priest on His throne and that “the counsel of peace shall be between them both.”

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible points out:

“There is a counsel of peace between [Christ] and the Father whose temple He builds. The Will of the Father and the Son is one. Both had one Will of love toward us, the salvation of the world, bringing forth peace through our redemption.

“God the Father ‘so loved the world, that He gave His Only-Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life’ [John 3:16]; and God the Son ‘is our peace, who hath made both one, that He might reconcile both unto God in one body by the Cross, and came and preached peace to them which were afar off and to them that were nigh’ [Ephesians 2:14, 16-17].”

Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible offers an additional explanation:

“… the counsel of peace shall be between… the Father and the Son… Or, rather,… Between… [the] priestly and kingly office of Jesus Christ…”

A similar explanation is given by the Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary:

“Peace between the kingly and priestly attributes of Messiah implies the harmonizing of the [seemingly] conflicting claims of God’s justice as a King, and His love as a Father and Priest. Hence is produced peace to man… It is only by being pardoned through His atonement and ruled by His laws, that we can find ‘peace.'”

7) “Those From Afar Shall Build in the Temple”

We are also told that “Even those from afar shall come and build [in] the temple of the LORD” (compare verse 15).

The Ryrie Study Bible explains that this is a reference to the Millennium, when Gentiles will join in building the millennial temple.

However, Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible applies this reference to the spiritual temple, the New Testament church, stating:

“They who came from Babylon with offerings to God, became types of the Gentiles, of whom the Apostle says, ‘Now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off have become nigh through the blood of Christ’ [Ephesians 2:13];… and ‘the promise is to you and to your children, and to all that are far off, as many as the Lord our God shall call’ [Acts 2:39].”

A similar explanation is given by John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible:

“And they that are afar off shall come… Into the temple; not the material temple… but into the spiritual temple, the church; and [it] is a prophecy of the calling of the Gentiles, who are said to be ‘afar off’…”

However, since the possibility of the building of a physical temple remains on the immediate horizon of prophetic events, occurrences may well happen that will lead to a more literal application of this prophecy. Indeed, the construction of the new Temple may be accomplished through the support of powerful groups outside of modern Israel. As it was in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah, there might be great opposition to the Jews when they were to undertake the rebuilding of such a symbolic representation of the Jewish claims to the city of Jerusalem and the land of Israel.

8) “And This Shall Come to Pass…”

As mentioned in previous Q&A’s on the Book of Zechariah, the phrase in verse 15, “Then you shall know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you…” refers to the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Ultimately, people will know that God the Father sent His Son to die for the world, and that it is He who will return as the all-powerful and glorious King of kings and Lord of lords. The remainder of verse 15 is also quite interesting. It says:

“And this shall come to pass if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God.”

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible explains this phrase in this way:

“Not as though the coming of Christ depended upon their faithfulness, but their share in it. ‘Ye shall know (he had said) that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you;’ but whether this knowledge should reach to individuals, depends upon their obedience and their willingness to know…

“‘For none of the wicked,’ Daniel says, ‘shall understand’ [Daniel 12:10]… So our Lord said, ‘If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God or whether I speak of Myself’ [John 7:17]…”

9) Conclusion

The coronation of the High Priest Joshua is a remarkable prophecy for the return of the Messiah and the beginning of His millennial rule here on earth. Then, true justice and mercy, as well as peace, will become known to and experienced by all men, and the time of man’s misrule, under the inspiration of Satan, will have ended.

Christ is still building His spiritual temple today, allowing fallible human beings to build IN His temple, under His guidance and leadership. He will soon return to this earth and especially to His spiritual temple “for salvation” (Hebrews 9:28).

He will be ruling as THE King and THE Priest–but He will be assisted by His spiritual temple, the–by then–immortal glorified members of the Church of God. At that time, true physical sacrifices will be brought “in righteousness” at a physical millennial temple in Jerusalem–a temple, which might have already been built just prior to Christ’s return.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter for February was written and sent out this week. In the letter, Brian Gale discusses the limitations and frailties of our political leaders and points at the only real solution to bring about prosperity, peace, liberty and true happiness.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “How NOT to Stimulate Our Economy!”

In the program, Norbert Link is asking the nagging question whether President Obama’s new stimulus package will turn out to be another disaster. If approved by the Senate, it will cost the U.S. taxpayers in excess of $888 billion. What about further attempts to bail out incompetent banks, which might cost us in excess of $3 trillion–while these same banks refuse to stimulate the housing market? What about uncontrolled greedy healthcare insurance companies, which take advantage of their customers? Will a Great Depression, ever-increasing unemployment figures and sky-rocketing inflation due to irresponsible printing of U.S. currency bring about the conditions of the Weimar Republic?

A new German sermon (“Ist Gottes Gesetz Ungültig?”) was recorded this week. It has been posted on Google Video and will be posted soon on our German Website. The sermon deals with certain New Testament Scriptures which show that Jesus did not abolish the Law and that the New Testament nowhere abolishes the Sabbath and the Holy Days.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2025 Church of the Eternal God