Update 515


The Church

On November 12, 2011, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, “The Church.”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Obvious to the Few But Not to the Many

by Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

In last week’s Update, there was an item where an article, “A Nightmare Scenario—Europe’s War Against Britain,” was quoted. The newspaper article was prefaced by the comments: “Europe at war 2018, German troops storm Greece. Putin’s tanks crush Latvia. France humbles the British Army. Unlikely, yes, but as Angela Merkel says euro meltdown could endanger peace, a historian’s imagination runs riot…”

In the letters section after the article, there were hundreds who derided the writer for describing such conditions as not being possible. In our comments after the article, we stated: “Even though this is not quite the way it will happen, the Bible clearly predicts a war between continental Europe (under German, not French leadership) and Great Britain, while Russia will flex its muscles in the meantime, ready to strike Europe at an opportune time.”
It got me to thinking, once again, that there are a few people who do see dangers connected with the European Union, but generally do so from a purely political and secular viewpoint. Christianity, and anything to do with the Bible has been side-lined, derided and treated with contempt by the intellectual elite which has filtered down to the man in the street. Proof of this is the influence of the writings by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchins and other atheists who have written best-selling books bought by the masses and viewed as unerringly correct. Anything to do with the Bible is now seen as old hat and biblical knowledge is, generally, neither sought, understood, nor respected.  
And even when a secular author can see real problems arising in the foreseeable future about the UK, Europe and many other countries, negative comments far outweigh those who can actually visualise trouble ahead. However, we should not be surprised, as many who have known the truth and cast it away don’t seem to recall what was taught by the Church when they were members. Perhaps there are even some faithful Church members today who think that there is plenty of time left, and that world conditions are not as bad as reported.
Many people react negatively to any prophecies or statements regarding the end of this age, and scoffers abound (compare 2 Peter 3:3).
Jesus talked to the Pharisees and Sadducees about discerning the signs of the times when they didn’t recognise Him at His First Coming. The same principle can be used now to discern the sign of the times today, indicating that the Second Coming cannot be too far away.
It is increasingly obvious by all that is happening that Christ’s return is drawing ever nearer. But we mustn’t expect the proclamation of this wonderful news to be met with unbridled joy and excitement. And when secular authors can envisage problems ahead, they too will be sneered at. But it was all prophesied to happen, and we should be encouraged, as we see prophecy being fulfilled on such a regular basis. The time certainly draws near…

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Islamist militant groups are on the rise. This week, we report on the frightening development in Nigeria. We continue to discuss the likely possibility that Israel will attack Iran, and what the consequences might be. We report about unusual earthquake activities in Oklahoma and Arkansas, and address America’s “unholy alliance” between religion and politics, as well as the American government’s attack on religious freedom and liberty, and the curse of abortion as the consequence of the controversial Roe v. Wade decision. We concentrate on and conclude with the ongoing economic troubles in Europe and address talks about a two-speed Europe and the increasing isolation of Great Britain.

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Islamist Militant Group Threatens Nigeria’s “Stability”

CNN reported on November 7:

“An Islamic militant group responsible for a wave of suicide attacks, car bombs, assassinations and assaults across northeastern Nigeria threatens the stability of the country… Boko Haram means ‘Western education is a sin.’ Depending on the faction, the group’s ambitions range from the stricter enforcement of Sharia law — which is derived from the Koran as the ‘word of God’ — across the predominantly Muslim north of Nigeria, to the total destruction of the Nigerian state and its government…

“Boko Haram’s grievances remain local, but it has proven itself capable and willing to attack international institutions–such as the United Nations–on Nigerian soil to achieve their aims… Although the northern populace mostly abhors the violence, there is considerable local sympathy and support for stricter Sharia law, seen by many as the only way to put an end to what is widely regarded as a corrupt and inept government.

“Northern Nigeria has some of the worst human development indicators in the world despite the country’s being the fifth largest oil exporter to the United States. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been stolen by a succession of corrupt governments. As the attacks continue and the violence spreads from its base in the northeast, Boko Haram is winning perhaps its most important battle: making Nigerians question what most agree is the cause of the problem, their government.”

Deutsche Welle added on November 7:

“Meanwhile, representatives of the group say that its fighters are being trained in Somalia by the al-Shabab militant group, which reputedly has close ties to al Qaeda. Many observers of the Islamist scene in Nigeria believe such a scenario is at least plausible.”

For more information on the frightening rise of Islamist groups, please view our StandingWatch program, “The Arab Spring—a Nightmare?”

Attack on Israel Increasingly Likely… Russia and France Warn of Consequences

The Telegraph wrote on November 7:

“Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavov has warned that a military strike on Iran would be a ‘very serious mistake’ with ‘unpredictable consequences’, after Israel’s president Shimon Peres said that an attack was increasingly likely… Mr Peres said that ‘the possibility of a military attack against Iran is now closer to being applied than the application of a diplomatic option’. ‘We must stay calm and resist pressure so that we can consider every alternative,’ he added…

“Moscow, the closest thing Iran has to a big power ally, is deeply opposed to any military action against the Islamic republic… A raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities would be likely to provoke Tehran into disruptive retaliatory measures in the Gulf that would sever shipping routes and disrupt the flow of oil and gas to export markets.

“Some analysts have said it could backfire and bolster the theocratic regime to the detriment of the pro-democracy movement, and spawn terror attacks on Israeli and US targets around the world.”

The EUobserver added on November 7:

“France and Russia have in separate statements warned that a US or Israeli strike against Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons facilities could destabilise the Middle East… French foreign minister Alain Juppe said the UN and EU should intensify sanctions instead of taking the military option… Juppe added that France would help defend Israel if a regional conflict breaks out, however: ‘I hope it doesn’t come to that … [But] if Israel is attacked, France would stand by its side.’”

“A contact in the European External Action Service told EUobserver that Israel and the US will not consult with EU structures if they go ahead. ‘The first that we will hear about it is when we see bombs falling on CNN,’ the source said.”

The Daily Mail wrote on November 10:

“Israel will launch military action to prevent Iran developing a nuclear weapon as soon as Christmas, intelligence chiefs have warned… The International Atomic Energy Agency found that Iran is developing a nuclear test facility, nuclear detonators and computer modelling for a nuclear warhead that would fit on an existing missile.

“Sources say the understanding at the top of the British Government is that Israel will attempt to strike against the nuclear sites ‘sooner rather than later’ – with logistical support from the U.S… Officials believe President Barack Obama would have to support the Israelis or risk losing vital Jewish-American support in the next presidential election.”

The Local wrote on November 9:

“Germany and its allies have angrily lashed out against Iran after the UN nuclear watchdog published its harshest report yet on Tehran’s nuclear programme, saying it had sought to build atomic warheads… The European Union said the report ‘seriously aggravate[s]’ existing concerns over a military dimension in Tehran’s nuclear programme. ‘Overall these findings strongly indicate the existence of a full fledged nuclear weapons development programme in Iran,’ said Maja Kocijancic, spokeswoman for EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton.”

As we have stated for years, Israel might very well attack Iran, with or even without American or British help. An attack on Iran would have devastating consequences, to be sure, and it might set the entire Middle East on fire, which could even result in European involvement and intervention.

The statement by the French foreign minister is telling in that France would help Israel if it is attacked, but not necessarily vice versa, and that Israel (and the USA) might go about this alone, without first notifying their European allies. This is also interesting in light of the next article.

Anti-Netanyahu Comments by Sarkozy and Obama

Fox News reported on November 8:

“French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who has labored to improve French relations with Israel, said he ‘can’t stand’ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and called him a liar in a chat with President Barack Obama. The conversation between Sarkozy and Obama was overheard by reporters last week at the Group of 20 summit in southern France, via headsets that were to be used for simultaneous translation of an upcoming news conference… According to the French interpreter, Obama responded, ‘You are sick of him, but I have to work with him every day’…

“The overheard remarks by Sarkozy and Obama were prominently covered in Israel, where Sarkozy — whose maternal grandfather was Jewish — is widely perceived as a friend… Israel has had a fraught up-and-down relationship with France. The country was an early supporter of the Jewish state, selling it arms and planes and helping it develop a nuclear reactor. But the relationship soured under Charles de Gaulle, perceived as having abandoned Israel before the 1967 war…

“Netanyahu, meanwhile, is a controversial figure even at home. He is widely seen as divisive… The often blunt Sarkozy has shown little patience with Israeli hard-liners, and two years ago urged Netanyahu to fire his outspoken foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman… France… surprised Washington and other observers by voting last week in favor of membership for Palestine in UNESCO, the U.N. cultural and educational agency.”

Big Increase in Earthquake Activity in Oklahoma and Arkansas

The Associated Press reported on November 6:

“The magnitude 5.6 earthquake and its aftershocks still had residents rattled Sunday. No injuries were reported… But the weekend earthquakes were among the strongest yet in a state that has seen a dramatic, unexplained increase in seismic activity. Oklahoma typically had about 50 earthquakes a year until 2009. Then the number spiked, and 1,047 quakes shook the state last year…

“Scientists say they have no explanation for the quakes. They happened along an ancient fault, although it’s not clear yet whether shifting along the fault is what caused them… One reason earthquakes are hard to predict in Oklahoma is that the state sits over a series of smaller ancient faults, rather than a major fault, such as California’s San Andreas Fault…

“Arkansas also has seen a big increase in earthquake activity, which residents have blamed on injection wells… There are 181 injection wells in the Oklahoma county where most of the weekend earthquakes happened… But natural gas companies claim there is no proof of a connection between injection wells and earthquakes, and a study released earlier this year by an Oklahoma Geological Survey seismologist seems to back that up…

“Most Oklahoma residents still see earthquakes as anomalies in a state more often damaged by tornadoes.”

It is interesting that scientists don’t know why those earthquakes are happening. The Bible has predicted a long time ago that in these end times, we will hear more and more about increasing earthquake activities here and there—in diverse places.

Christian Politics Create Unholy Alliances

On November 7, USA Today published an article by David P. Gushee, professor of Christian ethics. The following was stated:

“Republican presidential candidates are trolling for conservative Christian votes. Christian political organizers are trolling for Republican candidates’ attention… The Democrats, too, will make some effort to join this game, as they did in the 2008 cycle… As an American and also as an evangelical Christian, I can hardly bear to watch this nightmare unfolding all over again. It’s bad for America. It’s bad for Christianity…

“Politicians continue to use and abuse the language and symbols of Christian faith in order to win political support. They speak of God, Jesus, Christian faith and Christian values. They bow their heads in prayer at a million chicken dinners. Then Christian voters — perhaps flattered, perhaps reassured — think that these evocations of holy Christian symbols and terms actually mean something…

“It used to be that only Protestants could play the religious tribalism card in the USA. But that changed as conservative Protestants and Catholics banded together over social issues (such as abortion and same-sex marriage)… Some conservative Christians are tempted to look for the candidate who is (or appears to be) most clearly a member of their religious-political tribe… These voters check off the Christian box and look no further, just as some liberals check off a candidate’s ‘pro-choice’ or ‘pro-union’ box and do the same.

“It’s not just the politicians’ fault. If church leaders and rank-and-file Christians were not susceptible to these appeals, they would not work… This version of Christian politics is inherently corrupting to Christian faith, ethics and witness. It encourages politicians to take God’s name in vain, and to do so routinely. (That would be a violation of the Ten Commandments, if Christians still cared about such things.) It tempts church leaders to abuse their offices and abandon their core vocations as they entangle themselves with politics. It confuses the message of Christianity with that of the politician of the moment… It drives many away from God altogether.”

Politics and religion don’t mix, and they have produced nothing but harm. One may only think of the abominable inquisition. A true Christian is a foreigner and alien on this earth. He is an ambassador of Christ. He will not get involved in politics, and he will not vote in governmental elections. For more information, please read our Q&As on the issue. http://www.eternalgod.org/qa/2259 and http://www.eternalgod.org/qa/2206

Religious Freedom under Attack in America

Zenit wrote on November 4:

“The sense of religious liberty is being lost in America, warned Archbishop José H. Gomez in a recent article… [He] noted that both courts and government agencies are increasingly overriding conscience rights when other rights or liberties are considered to be more important… Archbishop Timothy Dolan… explained that religious freedom ‘in its many and varied applications for Christians and people of faith, is now increasingly and in unprecedented ways under assault in America.’…

“Federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations… oblige all private health insurance plans to cover contraception and sterilization. This will oblige church employers to sponsor and pay for services they oppose… The Justice Department recently attacked what is known as ‘ministerial exception,’ a constitutional doctrine long accepted by courts that allows churches to make employment decisions concerning persons working in a ministerial capacity…

“Earlier this year a 2008 rule that granted conscience protection to health care providers who opposed participating in abortion and sterilization was mostly rescinded… Effectively, what will happen is that church organizations will be forbidden to practice what they preach…

“Earlier this year Illinois’s Department of Children and Family Services told the state’s four Catholic dioceses that it would not renew their contracts for foster care and adoption services because they were not prepared to include same-sex couples among their clients. The changed situation is a result of the ironically-named Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act, that came into force on July 1.The new law legalized civil unions for homosexual couples without protecting religious organizations…

“The Washington, D.C., Office of Human Rights is now investigating a complaint that the city’s Catholic University of America is violating the human rights of Muslim students. In his complaint John Banzhaf, a law professor at George Washington University Law School, alleged that by not providing them with rooms without Christian symbols the university is offending Muslim students… It seems that in an increasingly secularized society tolerance is to be extended to all, except churches and believers who want to live by their beliefs.”

Christ promised His true followers persecution for righteousness’ sake, and it should therefore be no surprise that it will become more and more difficult for converted Christians to stand up for their religious convictions, given the fact that the entire world—including the USA, Canada and Great Britain—is being ruled by Satan the devil who is seeking the destruction of the followers of God.

Abortions in the USA an Outcry

On November 6, USA Today published the following article by Gualberto Garcia Jones, who is a director of, and legal analyst for, Personhood USA, a group that opposes abortion and seeks to establish that the legal definition of “person” begins at fertilization:

“Increasingly, the American people are being treated paternalistically by a government, media and public sector elite that stands in direct opposition to our traditional American values… No greater example exists of this abuse of raw judicial power than Roe v. Wade, a decision by seven unelected men to impose abortion on all 50 states… To date, 55 million innocent human beings have been killed by abortion…”

Abortion is murder. Please read our free booklet, “Are You Already Born Again?”

Sharp Deterioration in EU-Ukraine Relations

The Euobserver wrote on November 7:

“Ukrainian negotiators have said there is no need to initial an EU trade and association pact at a summit in Kiev in December as previously planned… The change of plan comes amid Ukrainian complaints that the EU is unwilling to include a clear promise on future accession in the pact… The pre-summit manoeuvring comes amid a sharp deterioration in EU-Ukraine relations in recent weeks.

“EU leaders snubbed President Viktor Yanukovych last month by cancelling a meeting in Brussels after he jailed his political rival, Yulia Tymoshenko. His tough line on accession could be a pretext to bin the EU pact, freeing him to consolidate power at home and to focus on Ukraine-Russia relations instead. The new line on initialing could also be a face-saving exercise in case the EU side pulls back from the deal because of the Tymoshenko problem.”

Greece’s New Prime Minister

The Associated Press reported on November 10:

“Senior banker Lucas Papademos was named Thursday to be the new prime minister of an interim Greek unity government that seeks to cement a new European debt deal and stave off national bankruptcy. Papademos, who was named after four tortuous days of power-sharing talks, immediately called for unity and promised to seek cross-party cooperation to keep Greece firmly in the 17-nation eurozone.

“The 64-year-old former vice president of the European Central Bank was chosen to lead a temporary government… that will operate until early elections, tentatively set for February. He replaces outgoing Prime Minister George Papandreou… [Papademos] insisted Greece must defend its euro membership. ‘The participation of our country in the eurozone is a guarantee for the country’s monetary stability. It is a driver of financial prosperity,’ Papademos said. ‘And our country’s participation [in] the eurozone, despite the difficulties that arise, will facilitate the adjustment of the economy and its development.’”

More Europe, Not Less Europe

Reuters wrote on November 9:

“Merkel said Europe’s plight was now so ‘unpleasant’ that deep structural reforms were needed quickly, warning the rest of the world would not wait. ‘That will mean more Europe, not less Europe,’ she told a conference in Berlin.

“She called for changes in EU treaties… ‘It is time for a breakthrough to a new Europe,’ Merkel said… Italy has replaced Greece at the center of the euro zone debt crisis and is on the cusp of requiring a bailout that Europe cannot afford to give… Unlike Greece, an Italian default would threaten the entire euro project. EU treaty changes could take a year or more. Rome does not have that much time…”

Italy’s Worries—Berlusconi Must Go

Der Spiegel Online wrote on November 11:

“With the euro zone’s debt crisis now having enveloped Italy, many have begun wondering what the future European Union might look like. Berlin has denied reports of a potential euro-zone breakup, but many see the emergence of a two-speed Europe. First, though, Berlusconi must go… the European Union… has said that a recession in the euro zone has become a distinct possibility… the euro zone continues to focus more on its survival than on economic growth…

“Citing EU sources, Reuters reported on Wednesday that German and French officials had met to discuss a splitting up of the euro zone… Berlin was concerned enough to issue a swift denial. ‘The German government is most definitely not pursuing such plans,’ said Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, on Thursday. ‘On the contrary, our policies are aimed at stabilizing the euro zone in its entirety and attacking the root of its problems.’

“In a Wednesday evening speech in Berlin, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso likewise felt compelled to strongly condemn any moves aimed at splitting the common currency zone. ‘There cannot be peace and prosperity in the north or in the west of Europe if there is no peace and prosperity in the south or in the east,’ he said…

“On Tuesday, Sarkozy… pushed hard for a two-speed Europe, one made up of a 17-member, euro-zone core surrounded by a looser grouping of the 10 non-euro members… On Thursday, Sarkozy received support for his vision from an unexpected source: former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer…

“Concerns about the ultimate survival of the European Union as currently constituted and, particularly, the euro zone, have been heightened this week by the dismal situation in Italy, with interest rates on the country’s sovereign bonds well above the 7 percent threshold that analysts say makes long-term borrowing unsustainable.  Cause for particular worry is that the size of Italy’s economy, the euro zone’s third largest, makes it too large to bail out…

“Italian President Giorgio Napolitano moved on Wednesday to provide the kind of political clarity that… the markets are demanding. He said that reform measures would be pushed through parliament within a matter of days… Such a move would pave the way for rapidly creating a new government and forgoing weeks or even months of uncertainty. Still, observers remain wary as to whether the departure of Berlusconi, who had seemed reluctant — or unable — to pursue needed economic reform in recent years, will mark a turnaround for the country.”

As we have said, the euro is here to stay. However, tremendous changes and developments are and will be occurring in Europe, which will lead to the emergence of the prophesied ten nations or groups of nations, which will give their power and authority to the “beast”—a charismatic political leader who will still have to manifest himself on the world scene.

Britain Is Becoming More and More Isolated

The Sunday Telegraph wrote on November 6:

“Britain will be marooned inside a ‘permanent minority’ in European Union decision making in just three years’ times after rule changes kick in on member states’ voting powers, according to a new report. The document seen by The Sunday Telegraph shows that under changes already agreed to in the Lisbon Treaty, eurozone countries voting as a ‘caucus’ will have a permanent in-built majority in the EU’s Council of Ministers – its main decision-making body – from November 2014.

“Britain will be unable to block a plethora of new laws even if it joins together with other countries not in the eurozone – risking severe damage… The rule changes will virtually ensure that the EU becomes a ‘two speed’ operation with Britain in the slow lane – even without the greater ‘fiscal integration’ expected inside the eurozone as its 17 countries bring their tax and spending affairs closer together…

“The report comes amid further evidence that Britain is becoming more and more isolated as core EU nations develop closer links with each other… The eurozone as a whole already has 66 per cent of votes on its own, giving it a permanent inbuilt majority from November 2014 if it votes as a caucus. There are potential dispensations for countries to request individual votes are taken under the current system after 2014 – but this opt-out runs out in November 2017.”

As we have proclaimed for many years, it is very unlikely that Great Britain will be a part of the final configuration of the United States of Europe, which will consist of ten core nations or groups of nations.

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter was written and posted on the Web. It will be sent out early next week, together with a copy of our new booklet, “Paul’s Letter to the Philippians.” In the member letter, the ministry is reporting on the Feast of Tabernacles and encourages all of us to take great notice of our individual and collective commission.

A new StandingWatch program was posted last week on YouTube and on our Web site (www.eternalgod.org). It is titled, “The Arab Spring – A Nightmare?” Will the warm and cozy Arab Spring end up in a cold and foreboding Arab Winter? Will we see the rise of intolerant Islamist regimes? What is the future for Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Syria? Will the West be forced to intervene again militarily in the Middle East?

A new StandingWatch program was posted this week on YouTube and on our Web site (www.standingwatch.org), titled, “Religion and Politics-an Unholy Alliance?” USA Today published an article on November 7, 2011, arguing that the present version of our Christian politics is corrupting our Christian faith and encourages politicians to use God’s name in vain. The article concludes that it drives many away from God. And it is true that churches today have no jurisdiction to enforce any laws of God. Given the confusion as to what is still binding spiritual or moral law, and what constituted temporary ritual laws and provisions for the ancient nation of Israel under Moses, we can be thankful that in the USA, church and state are separate. European history provides ample testimony as to what happens when a church rules a state.

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermonette, “The Hebrew Calendar,” was posted on YouTube and on our Web site (www.eternalgod.org). Why are we following the current Hebrew Calendar in order to be able to observe the annual Holy Days in their proper times? Why doesn’t anyone else have the God-given authority to devise their own calendar? Why does the rejection of the Hebrew calendar constitute a lack of faith in the power of God Almighty?

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “How to Look at God’s Laws, Part 2,” was posted on YouTube and on our Web site (www.eternalgod.org). Many wonder how to apply God’s laws today. What about the Ten Commandments, the annual Holy Days, sacrifices and washings, laws of national warfare, marriage to the sister-in-law after the brother’s death, certain penalties for wrongdoing, wearing tassels, touching dead bodies, circumcision, cross-dressing, wearing garments of different sorts, or sowing different kinds of seed? How can we know the answer?

A new German sermon was posted on YouTube, titled, “Christi Herrschaft auf Erden” (“Christ’s Rule on Earth”).

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Growth and Development

by Kalon Mitchell

Since being let go from my job over six months ago, I have had the opportunity to spend some quality time with my son Sam. I usually get to watch him on Mondays and Tuesdays, while my wife works.  Over the past six months, I have seen him grow from  a “baby” to a “toddler” stage. The experience for me has been like no other. I have been able to observe him, teach him and enjoy being able to bond with him in a way that I don’t think that I could have, had I been working.

Being with him on such a regular basis, I have been able to see his minute changes, from crawling to walking–from mumbling things to actually being able to start communicating with words, actions and expressions. Going through these life stages has not seemed quick at times, but there are points where I could see definite breakthroughs for him in his thinking and actions. I suppose this is how it is with most babies, but it’s such a unique thing to watch, especially when I take the time to think about how I am viewed as a child in God’s eyes. The struggles my little boy goes through, I go through just in a different way.

When he is learning something new, he at times expresses his frustration, but he gets over it and continues on. He is a little sponge, and he is always willing to learn. If he gets mad, he never stays mad, but is willing to hug and kiss and move on. When he doesn’t get his way, he pouts and then goes and finds something else to do. At the end of a day, he has learned a lot of things and goes to bed, to wake up in the morning with an amazing attitude, ready to experience it all over again—and more. This is exactly what I must do.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2024 Church of the Eternal God