Just A Matter of Doing It

by Aaron Hooper

In the world of school and work that I often find myself in, it is sometimes very easy for me to lose the sense of urgency concerning the end times which are quickly approaching. Most people don’t really believe that we will see an end to the great United States of America or even that things could possibly get worse. Some, though, do have a sense that things may be coming to a head, but put their stock in the 2012 date of the Mayan calendar.

I was recently talking to a friend in my literature class, and he too felt that, for the most part, people just go on as if nothing is even happening in the world. He doesn’t believe in God or the Bible, but even though, he still realizes what is going on and that we are in for some tough times ahead.

I ask myself, what can I really do, though? In the Updates and during Sabbath services, I hear more and more about the troubled times in which we live. Does it become easier and less sensational the more I hear about it? Do I just “wait for it” and take it as it comes? The time is fast approaching when many will wish they were closer to God, as they will have absolutely no one to turn to.

I often wish that I was closer to God, and I know that I come up very short. The things that I need to do to learn about and draw near to our merciful Father are so very simple — they sometimes appear too simple. It is just a matter of doing it. As these days become shorter and the world becomes less stable, it is ever more important that I really make a conscious and daily effort to draw near to our heavenly Creator.

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